Dave's Math Tables is now available for downloading! This is the August 8, 1997 version.

Terms of Use:

THE PAGES of Dave's Math Tables are freeware, which means you can copy, modify and redistribute this in any way you like EXCEPT these pages or any modification of these pages MAY NOT BE sold for profit or copyrighted. Keep this notice on any redistribution of these pages.

The actual INTELLECTUAL CONTENT is freely available public domain, meaning there are no restrictions.

Click here to download dmt.zip (193,000 bytes) and save to your hard disk. Then uncompress this file with a decompression program supporting long filenames, such as WinZip32. To use, open your web browser, select "File | Open" and select the file "tables.htm" from the dmt directory

Attention DOS/Win3.1 users--Some filenames are longer than 8 characters, which will cause some broken links.

Questions, contact David Manura at sismspec@ix.netcom.com.