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         Waits Tom:     more books (100)
  1. Naissance à Pomona (Californie): Jessica Alba, Tom Waits, Mark Mcgwire, Todd Field, Rozz Williams, Cold 187um (French Edition)
  2. Album de Tom Waits: Orphans : Brawlers, Bawlers (French Edition)
  3. LA VUELTA DE TOM WAITS.(TT: The return of Tom Waits.)(Reseña): An article from: Epoca by Paco Ochoa, 1999-05-31
  4. La triple equis de Tom Waits.(Orphans)(Reseña de audio grabación): An article from: Letras Libres by Julio Trujillo, 2007-01-01
  5. Lowside of the Road: A Life of Tom Waits by Barney Hoskyns, 2009
  6. Many lives of Tom Waits / Mnozhestvo zhizney Toma Ueytsa by Khamfriz Patrik, 2009
  7. Canciones Tom Waits 1 by Unknown, 1999-12-31
  8. Waits, Tom (1949): An entry from SJP's <i>St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture</i> by Tony Brewer, 2000
  9. Tom Waits by Ken Brooks, 1999-04-01
  10. Fragmentos de Tom Waits escuchados en un sueòo.(mûsico): An article from: Letras Libres by Bruno H. Pichê, 2008-09-01
  11. (TOM WAITS ALBUMS)Tom Waits Albums by Books, LLC(Author)Paperback{Tom Waits Albums: Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers}on 15 Sep 2010
  12. Letters Never Mailed: 32 Years Of Writing To Tom Waits by Susan Borgeson, 2009-02-14
  13. Record magazine, Nov. 1983. The Who, Tom Waits, Boy George by Record magazine, 1983
  14. Eels (Band) Members: Tom Waits, T-Bone Burnett, John Sebastian, Lisa Germano, Peter Buck, Jon Brion, Wally Gagel, Smoosh, Mark Oliver Everett

81. Tom Waits Pictures, MP3, Lyrics, Tabs, Posters, Sheet Music, Biography, Wallpape
tom waits pictures, MP3, lyrics, photos, posters, sheet music, biography, tabs,wallpaper, discography, movies, videos. Home Music W waits, tom. Rings,_Tom/
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Discussion of Tom Waits

83. Nude As The News: Waits, Tom
HOME ARCHIVE FIND AN ARTIST A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S TU V W X Y Z VARIOUS ARTISTS / waits, tom waits, tom. Album reviews.
Waits, Tom
Album reviews
Anti (2002)
An album inspired by the pen of Lewis Carroll, whose books "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" were watered down by Disney to suit their corporate taste. Blood Money
Anti (2002)
Blood Money
is drawn from Tom Waits' original contributions to "Woyzeck," a German play that details the disintegration of a soldier going mad after many wartime experiments.

84. Untitled Document
Includes pictures, lyrics, quiz, survey results and a bulletin board.

85. Nude As The News: Waits, Tom: Alice
HOME ARCHIVE FIND AN ARTIST A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y ZVARIOUS ARTISTS / waits, tom / ALICE Albums by this artist. waits, tom. Alice.
Albums by this artist
Alice Blood Money
Waits, Tom
Waits, Tom Alice Anti, 2002 RiYL : Nick Cave, Captain Beefheart, Lewis Carroll Here, Tom Waits' primary inspiration came from the pen of Lewis Carroll, whose books "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass" were watered down by Disney to suit their corporate taste. As we grow up, however, most of us realize many fairy tales and nursery rhymes have hidden contexts that run deeper than we could ever have guessed as wide-eyed youngins.
Waits delves even deeper into these myths and allegations, slamming his pitchfork into the narrative and rewarding us with a twisted fable to feast on. Written in 1992 for a Robert Wilson opera, the 15 tracks on Alice were actually performed by an avant-garde ensemble at Hamburg's Thalia Theater for 18 months, with a cast assembled by none other then Waits himself.
Once dubbed "the lost Waits masterpiece," Alice has now been found, and is still deserving of the title "masterpiece" (though for us Waits-heads, that sentiment is grotesquely redundant). The album's songs do not attack you with bombast but rather smother you in a slow burn, like gathering frost suffocating a mournful shut-in. The room gets darker every minute as a brushed snare trickles down the wall and organs pump eloquently but ferociously steady, rarely letting the pace waver.

86. Waits, Tom
Tom Waits
GLOBE SATELLITE GUILD ... APEX Original Song Score And Its Adaptation Or Adaptation Score

One From the Heart

Tom Waits
Tom Waits
Tom Waits
Tom Waits
GLOBE SATELLITE GUILD ... APEX Song Score - Original Or Adaptation
One From the Heart Tom Waits OSCAR GLOBE SATELLITE GUILD ... APEX Original Song - Drama One From the Heart "Is There Any Way Out Of This Dream?" 1982 Original Song Score/Adaptation/Compilation - Drama One From the Heart

87. Frank's Wild Years: A Thesis On The Music Of Tom Waits
An academic work exploring the Frank Trilogy Swordfishtrombones, Rain Dogs, and Frank's Wild Years.
Frank's Wild Years: Music and Text in the Audio Art of Tom Waits An Undergraduate Thesis By Curtis H. Hayes You have landed on a page dedicated to my thesis on Tom Waits, a troubadour of the subconscious. ABSTRACT This thesis defines and illustrates the musical concept of audio art. The three elements of a musical recording (music, text, and recording techniques) can be combined in such a way that distinguish the recorded work from a live performance. As examples of audio art, Tom Waits's Swordfishtrombones Raindogs (1985), and Frank's Wild Years (1987) form a larger work known as the Frank Trilogy. Chapter One uncovers and specifies the character of Frank, Waits's protagonist, as he is developed in the lyrics from all three albums. In the second chapter, Waits's use of text and his development of thematic ideas in the Trilogy are analyzed. The theory of myth set forth by Roland Barthes is used to shed light on Waits's similar practices in the work. Chapter Three focuses on the musical ideas within the work and their incorporation with the text in the recording studio. Attention is also paid to the role of the recording process in establishing Waits's trilogy as a work of audio art. Swordfishtrombones Raindogs Frank's Wild Years If the abstract doesn't turn you off and you are determined to read further, you must download a copy of my thesis. The thesis is offered in both Mac and PC Text formats (115kb). The download includes a lyrical abstract and a list of all referenced works. A working knowledge of the three Waits albums discussed here is recommended, but anyone willing to delve further into their entertainment may achieve some enlightenment from this work.

88. 24 Hours O' Happy: The 1996 Tom Waits Festival
A photo review of the Festival.
Enter 24 Hours of Happy
A whirlwind ride through highlights of the 1996 Tom Waits Festival.
For a look at the 1997 Festival, please go here , and click on " The Action " for pictures.

89. Waits, Tom: "Closing Time"
tom waits. Closing Time (1973). Els quasi vint àlbums que finsaleshores tom waits ha enregistrat, el presenten com a un músic
TOM WAITS "Closing Time" (1973) Els quasi vint àlbums que fins aleshores Tom Waits ha enregistrat, el presenten com a un músic summament personal que ha sabut fusionar multiplicitat d'estils (rock, soul, jazz, blues, pop, música de cabaret, elements avantguardistes...). Un catàleg de música americana impregnat d'altes dosis de contingut emocional gràcies a una veu inconfusible, aconseguida, segurament, amb l'ajuda de molts litres de wiski irlandès i un bon grapat de cigarretes diàries. Autor de lletres que testimonien el costat més deshumanitzat dels EUA, Waits és el tardà i insospitat epígon més avantatjat de la generació "beat". Durant la dècada dels 70, època en què enregistrà vuit elapés essencials, sembla que la seva vida era molt a prop de la que descriu, salvatgement, en el seu corpus de cançons, testimoni d'una nòmada carrera cap a l'autodestrucció precoç. Tal vegada ha estat el paral.lelisme entre obra i vida el detonant de discos tan meravellosos. Waits, realment, és un "chansonnier" hipersensible que observa profundament, sense massa amargura, la vida miserable que discorre per bars plens de fum, habitats per perdedors amb barba de tres dies, els quals, gats, miren fixament els neons de la paret, intentant servar la poca dignitat que els resta. Cançons que sovint rastregen el més nauseabund de la nit: solituds, vòmits, violència gratuïta, amors impossibles i ruïnes morals. Petites històries en què individus anguniejats, bagasses tristes, joves que han envellit sense madurar, proxenetes amb mala sort i gangsters de pacotilla, pulul.len per l'infortuni amb el destí marcat. Un delirium trèmens a ritme de jazz. Balades alcohòliques brodades amb melodies sentimentals, acompanyades de la petita orquestra esbalandrada d'un cafè de mala mort.

90. Waits, Tom: "Small Change"
tom waits Small Change (1976). L’extensa discografia de tom waitspot dividirse en dues etapes; de la primera, formada pels
TOM WAITS "Small Change" (1976) L’extensa discografia de Tom Waits pot dividir-se en dues etapes; de la primera, formada pels set elapés enregistrats a Asylum Records entre el 1973 i el 1980, a "Clàssics del rock" vàrem comentar "Closing Time" i "The Heart Of Saturday Night" ; avui analitzarem "Small Change" (1976), l’estrella d’aquell període. La inflexió és va produir el 1982, quan va enregistrar la banda sonora de "One From The Heart", la pel·lícula que va posar en perill la piscina de Francis Ford Coppola i va provocar l’enfonsament de Zoetrope Studios. Un "soundtrack" genial que va donar pas a una segona època encara vigent. Consideram que els dos primers discos per a Island Records, "Swordfishtrombones" i "Rain Dogs", són dues obres mestres trencadores, molt superiors als seus darrers lliuraments, material que ja no ens interessa tant. "Small Change" és una mena de documental sobre perdedors i desesperats filmat a barriades de mala vida, cruïlles de carrers bruts on pul.lulen gats i drogaaddictes que no poden tornar a ca seva. Un documental que també te interiors, com el del club d’"strip tease" que apareix a la portada en què Waits, fotografiat per Joel Brodsky, tal com feia als discos anteriors, s’acaricia la nuca i fuma un "Old Gold". "Small Change" s’inicia amb la mítica "Tom Traubert’s Blues" que comentam a la secció "Cançons del segle XX". Amb efluvis de jazz sincopat, melodies "scat" i veu a l’estil Louis Armstrong, "Step Right Out" és un canvi brusc. Els músics (Shelly Manne -bateria-, Jim Hughart -baix- i Lew Tabackin -saxofó-) realitzen un treball excel.lent. Precisament Armstrong (i Marilyn Monroe i Rocky Marciano) desfilen per "Jitterburg Boy" que enllaça amb la melancolia de la primera cançó; amb l’acompanyament únic del piano i una veu arrossegada que escup lentament les síl·labes.

91. Tom Waits
Lyrics through the Black Rider album, and some information in Russian.
Tom Waits
  • Closing time 1973
  • The Heart of Saturday Night 1974 1
  • Nighthawks at the diner 1975
  • Small change 1976 ...
  • Rain Dogs (ïåðåâîä: Ê.Èãíàòîâ
  • See also
  • Seth Nielsen's TW Home Page
  • Tom Waits Resource Guide
  • Tom Waits - ïåñíè â real audio íà
  • Tom Waits webring
    From: "Peter Gannushkin" Ó Toma Waitsa 12 àëüáîìîâ + 2 soundtracka, 2 ñáîðíèêà, 1 êîíöåðòíûé ñáîðíèê (Big Time). Åãî ïîçäíèé ïåðèîä ñ÷èòàåòñÿ ëó÷øèì. Âûäåëÿþò àëüáîìû: "Swordfishtrombones" 1983 è "Rain Dogs" 1985. Êðîìå òîãî åñòü "Bone Machine" 1992, ïîëó÷èâøèé Grammy. Åñëè õî÷åòñÿ ïîëó÷èòü áîëåå ÷åòêîå ïðåäñòàâëåíèå, ñòîèò ïîñëóøàòü èç ðàííèõ "Small Change" 1976 è "Blue Valentines" 1978, à èç ïîçäíèõ ïðàêòè÷åñêè âñå, ïî êðàèíåé "Rain Dogs" 1985, "Frank's Wild Years" 1987 è "Black Rider" 1993. Î÷åíü ëèðè÷åí soundtrack ê video "Big Time" 1988, êîòîðûé äîâîëüíî ñèëüíî îòëè÷àåòñÿ îò îäíîèìåííîãî CD
  • Home: Mail: Hosted by RTComm
  • 92. Lyrics Of Waits, Tom@
    Search results for Artist waits, tom@. Results 1 20 of 9. Downtown Train.Earth Died Screaming. Hang On St. Christopher. I Don't Wanna Grow Up., Tom@

    93. Tom Waits
    Biography, discography and filmography.
      Simple Biography
    Thomas Alan Waits was born on the eighth anniversary of the
    bombing of Pearl Harbor. He was born on December 7, 1949 in
    Pomona, California. He and his two sisters grew up moving around
    from city to city in California. His parents who are both school
    teachers divorced when he was 10. They then moved to National
    City. Tom's grandfather was christened Jesse Frank Waits and his
    father Frank Waits. Tom is Scottish and Irish from his father's side of
    the family and Norwegian from his mother's side. Tom became interested in music early and began tacking up sheets
    of Bob Dylan's lyrics in his room and even framed some in the rest
    of his house. He would keep a pad of paper and pencil by his bed
    so that he could remember the lyrics that he would think up in the middle of the night. He taught himself how to play the piano at a neighbor's house and then learned the guitar on a Gibson. As well as creating music at an early age, the persona that Tom is famous for soon appeared. He enjoyed entertaining his classmates and his teachers as soon as his secondary schooling. An art class

    94. Tom Waits
    Fan page with an MP3 and links.
    links links

    95. Waits,Tom| Ïóðïóðíûé Ëåãèîí
    The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.,Tom

    96. Tom Waits - Quotes - Maintained By Yair Shmuely
    One fan's favorite quotes.
    Tom Waits - Quotes
    Maintained by Yair Shmuely
    15 July 1995 BTW The first one is my favorite:
    • "...Never could stand that dog..."
    • "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy."
    • "I don't have a drinking problem 'Cept when I can't get a drink."
    • "I was born in the back seat of a Yellow Cab in a hospital loading zone and with the meter still running. I emerged needing a shave and shouted 'Time Square, and step on it!'"
    • "It's colder than a ticket taker's smile at the Ivar theater on a Saturday night."
    • "Colder than a jewish american princess on her honeymoon"
    • "Colder than a well digger's ass"
    • "I knew him when he was nothing and he hasn't changed a bit"
    • " seems a stray bullet actually pierced the testicle of a Union soldier and lodged itself in the ovaries of a woman standing approximately 100 ft. away. She's alright, the baby's doing fine...ofcourse the soldier's a little pissed off..."
    • "...You end up taking advantage of yourself. There ain't no way around that."
    • "I'm so goddamn horny the crack of dawn better watch itself around me."

    97. Waits,Tom/Various| Ïóðïóðíûé Ëåãèîí
    The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.,Tom/Various

    98. Tom Waits Memorial Tour Of Joints
    A photo exhibit of places tom waits might frequent.
    Tom Waits Memorial Tour of Joints
    Tom Waits has, or would, hang out in these places.
    New Joints, Down in Denver>
    The PS Lounge - Colfax Ave.
    The Satire - Colfax Ave.
    The Tower - Late of Broadway and I-25
    The Hi-Boy - the Old Downtown
    The Waffle Shop - 14th and Hell, N.W.
    Whitlow's - the Old Downtown
    Soul Parking - 14th and "the New U" St.
    Skylark Lounge - Broadway
    Club 404 - Broadway
    The Butcher Block - North of Globeville
    The Blue Blaze Bar - North Santa Fe Drive ...
    The China Bowl - North Federal St.
    Route 66 - New Mexico
    The Uranium Cafe - Grants, New Mexico

    99. Waits, Tom
    waits, tom 24 Hours o' Happy The 1996 tom waits Festival A funnypohoto review. Fans can submit their opinions about tom waits.

    B C D ... Z Waits, Tom

    100. Tom Waits Supplement V2
    Features biography, quotes, lyrics, and pictures.

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