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         Wolff Christian:     more books (100)
  1. Christian Wolff: Webster's Timeline History, 1666 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-04-16
  2. Changing the System: The Music of Christian Wolff by Stephen Chase, Philip Thomas, 2010-08-01
  3. Die Psychologie Christian Wolffs: Systematische Und Historische Untersuchungen (Hallesche Beitrage Zur Europaischen Aufklarung)
  4. Die Pädagogik Des Philosophen Christian Wolff (Halle) ... (German Edition) by Thomas Link, 2010-01-10
  5. Autour de la philosophie Wolffienne (Gesammelte Werke, Materialien und Dokumente / Christian Wolff) (French Edition) by Hans Werner Arndt, 2001
  6. Institutiones philosophiae rationalis: Methodo Wolfii conscriptae (Gesammelte Werke, Materialien und Dokumente / Christian Wolff) (Latin Edition) by Friedrich Christian Baumeister, 1989
  7. Hundert und dreyssig Fragen aus der neuen mechanischen Philosophie ;: Philosophische Fragen aus der neuen mechanischen Morale (Gesammelte Werke / Christian Wolff) (German Edition) by Joachim Lange, 1999
  8. Versuch einer grundlichen Erlauterung der merckwurdigsten Begebenheiten in der Natur, wodurch man zur innersten Erkenntnis derselben gefuhret wird: Erstes ... / Christian Wolff) (German Edition) by Ludwig Philipp Thummig, 1999
  9. Biographie (Gesammelte Werke / Christian Wolff) (German Edition)
  10. Wie verfuhrt man musikalisch eine Frau?: Nach einer Idee von Christian Wolff (German Edition) by Irmgard Grillmayer, 1984
  11. Die Psychologie Christian Wolffs: Systematische Und Historische Untersuchungen (Hallesche Beitrage Zur Europaischen Aufklarung)
  12. Transzendentale Wahrheit und Traum: Christian Wolffs Antwort auf die Herausforderung durch den cartesianischen Zweifel (Forschungen und Materialien zur deutschen Aufklarung) (German Edition) by Sonia Carboncini, 1991
  13. Christian Wolff und das System des klassischen Rationalismus: Die philosophia experimentalis universalis = Christian Wolff e il sistema del razionalismo ... / Christian Wolff) (German Edition) by L Cataldi, 2001
  14. Christian Wolff's Verhaltnis Zu Leibniz (1897) (German Edition) by Walther Arnsperger, 2010-05-22

1. Christian Wolff
Christian Wolff Seite aus einem deutschsprachigen OnlinePhilosophenlexikon. Christian Wolff hielt seine Vorlesungen in deutscher Sprache und veröffentlichete neben umfangreichen lateinischen
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Christian Wolff (1679 - 1754)
Der deutsche Philosoph , Mathematiker und Logiker Christian Wolff wurde 1706 Professor in Halle, 1723 in Marburg und ab 1740 wieder in Halle. Christian Wolff untersuchte, ausgehend von Leibniz Descartes und Spinoza , Fragen der Ontologie Ethik Vorstellung Begriff Wissenschaft als erster. Auch die lateinischen Begriffe Monismus und Teleologie Die Logik definierte Urteil Wahres und Falsches zu unterscheiden. Die Logik hilft nach Wolff, "daß wir die Kräfte des menschlichen Verstandes und ihren rechten Gebrauch in Erkenntnis der Wahrheit erkennen lernen". Es gibt eine lehrende und eine Logik.

2. Wolff Christian From FOLDOC
wolff christian. history of philosophy, biography German philosopher(16791754) who wrote in both Latin and German, developing Christian

3. Wolff,Christian
The Database Home Page To the Index Wolking Henry C. wolff christian (1934) Sex Male Comments From leaning forward Written Duration Comments Poems by Grace Paley Publisher C. F. Peters Inst.
Find: The Database Home Page < Wolfe,Julia To the Index Wolking,Henry C. >> Wolff,Christian (1934-) Sex Male Comments From leaning forward
Written Duration Comments Poems by Grace Paley Publisher C. F. Peters
Inst. Clarinet in Bb/Bass Clarinet, Soprano, Baritone, Cello Grade Comments Prepared on Sun Sep 8 17:21:14 2002

4. WOLFF Christian - BURDOCKS
wolff christian BURDOCKS tzadik Burdocks (1970/71)played by theother minds ensemble Tuba Song (1992) played by peter wahrhaftig
WOLFF christian - BURDOCKS
Burdocks (1970/71)played by the other minds ensemble
Tuba Song (1992) played by peter wahrhaftig
Trio III (1996) played by stephen drury, jennifer choi and william winant
*peter wahrhaftig: tuba *stephen drury: piano *jennifer choi: violin *william winant: percussion
the other minds ensemble -
*fred frith: guitar *joan jeanrenaud: cello *miya masaoka: koto, electronics *gordon mumma: french horn, trumpet *bob ostertag: sampler *william winant: percussion *christian wolff: melodica, piano
- rec. 2000/2001
Price: £13.99 Listing # wolff
View Products
Modern Classical Order Form Sound 323 323 Archway Road Highgate London

wolff christian VOL.3, TILBURY PIECES mode tilbury pieces (1969-96)snowdrop (1970) *dimitrios ploisoidis violin, viola *hildegard
tilbury pieces (1969-96) snowdrop (1970)
*dimitrios ploisoidis: violin, viola *hildegard kleeb: piano *roland dahinden: trombone, melodica - rec. 1996
Price: £14.99 Listing # wolff
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Modern Classical Order Form
Sound 323
323 Archway Road

6. Wolff Christian - Metafisica Tedesca
Translate this page wolff christian. Metafisica tedesca. 1600 p., € 35,00 Il pensierooccidentale Bompiani (data di pubblicazione prevista Marzo 2003)

7. Biography - Christian Wolff
Christian Wolff, back. Christian Wolff (born 1934 in Nice, France, livingin the United States since 1941) holds a doctorate in classics
Christian Wolff back Christian Wolff (born 1934 in Nice, France, living in the United States since 1941) holds a doctorate in classics from Harvard, where he taught until 1970. Between 1970 and 2000, Wolff was the Strauss Professor of Music at Dartmouth College where he also taught classics. As a composer he is basically self-taught, although his association in the early 1950s with John Cage, David Tudor and Morton Feldman provided a music background unmatched by any formal education. He has received a number of commissions, was "Ford Composer" at Mills College and was composer/lecturer at the Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik in Darmstadt. He has written for numerous music periodicals, and has organized and performed in concerts in Europe and the U.S.A.
Wolff's work has concerned itself principally with the introduction of various new modes notation and freedom of the musical event, both for the composer and performer as well as the listener. Wolff described his current concerns in the following manner: "To turn the making of music into a collaborative and transforming activity (performer into composer into listener into composer into performer, etc.), the cooperative character of the activity to the exact source of the music. To stir up, through the production of the music, a sense of social conditions in which we live and of how these might be changed."
In 1995 Petr Kotik commissioned Wolff to compose Spring, which was performed by The Orchestra of the S.E.M. Ensemble in New York and Europe. After a performance at Prague Spring 1999, where Kotik conducted a program featuring Gruppen by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Diamonds by Alvin Lucier (commissioned by SEM), and Modules I, II, III by Earle Brown, Kotik began creating a repertoire for three orchestras. In 2000, Wolff composed Ordinary Matter for an ensemble of 80 musicians, divided into three orchestras. Ordinary Matter was premiered at the Ostrava Days Festival in 2001 and a version with a reduced ensemble was performed last December by SEM at the Paula Cooper Gallery.

8. WIEM: Wolff Christian
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia W......wolff christian (16791754), filozof i psycholog niemiecki. Uczen GW Leibniza. WolffChristian (1679-1754), filozof i psycholog niemiecki. Uczen GW Leibniza. napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Filozofia, Psychologia, Niemcy
Wolff Christian widok strony
znajd¼ podobne

poka¿ powi±zane
Wolff Christian (1679-1754), filozof i psycholog niemiecki. Uczeñ G.W. Leibniza . Profesor uniwersytetów w Halle (1706-1723 i od 1740) oraz w Marburgu (1723-1740). Autor podrêczników z zakresu filozofii, psychologii, fizyki, teologii. W  ontologii przeszed³ od leibnizowskiego monizmu do dualizmu (istnienie rozumu i pozarozumowej rzeczywisto¶ci). By³ przedstawicielem racjonalizmu . Filarem jego filozofii by³a, przejêta równie¿ od Leibniza, zasada racji dostatecznej, któr± interpretowa³ finalistycznie, g³osz±c, ¿e ka¿dy byt istnieje ze wzglêdu na co¶, co jest poza nim, a wszystkie razem stanowi± ¶rodek do osi±gniêcia celu, jakim jest cz³owiek. Pogl±dy Wolffa by³y bardzo popularne w Niemczech w XVIII w., oddzia³a³y na my¶l I. Kanta . Zas³ug± Wolffa jest te¿ upowszechnienie obowi±zuj±cego obecnie podzia³u filozofii na dyscypliny (ontologia, teoria poznania etyka itd.). Powi±zania Baumgarten Alexander Gottlieb Mendelssohn Moses Dowody na istnienie Boga O¶wiecenie ... do góry Encyklopedia zosta³a opracowana na podstawie Popularnej Encyklopedii Powszechnej Wydawnictwa Fogra

9. Register Zur Regensburger Verbundklassifikation
Translate this page UB Regensburg. Registerbegriff wolff christian, Wohlstand, BL 8160. Wolf, Christa,GN 9931. Wolf, Christian s. Wolff, Christian, Wolf, Friedrich, GM 7136.

10. Xrefer - Search Results - Christian Wolff
wolff christian 1934. wolff christian 1934 Frenchborn American composer, naturalized1946; university teacher of classics wolff christian 1679 1750. Wolff

11. Rede über Die Praktische Philosophie Der Chinesen Lateinisch- Deutsch Wolff Chr
Translate this page Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen Lateinisch- Deutsch WolffChristian. Lateinisch- Deutsch. Autor wolff christian. Rubrik Kategorie
Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen Lateinisch- Deutsch Wolff Christian
Titel: Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen. Lateinisch- Deutsch.
Autor: Wolff Christian
Alembert Jean LeRond d' Einle...

Ficino Marsilio Über die Lieb...

Nikolaus von Kues Schriften in...

Spinoza Baruch de Philosophis...

12. Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Wolff Christian
Translate this page Christian Wolff 1679-1754 wolff christian. Titel Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Autorwolff christian. Rubrik Kategorie Dorschel Andreas Die idealist
Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Wolff Christian
Titel: Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Autor: Wolff Christian
Dorschel Andreas Die idealist...

Ratke Heinrich Philosophische...

Lesekulturen im 18. Jahrh...

Zum Wandel von Zeremoniel...

13. Wolff Christian Rede über Die Praktische Philosophie Der Chinesen. Lateinisch-
Translate this page wolff christian Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen. Lateinisch- Deutsch.wolff christian Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen.
Wolff Christian Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen. Lateinisch- Deutsch.
Titel: Rede über die praktische Philosophie der Chinesen. Lateinisch- Deutsch.
Autor: Wolff Christian
Clarke Samuel, Leibniz Gottf...
Herz Markus Betrachtungen aus...

Paul Jean Vorschule der Ästhe...

Kant Immanuel Metaphysik der ...

14. Wolff Christian Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Translate this page wolff christian Christian Wolff 1679-1754. Titel Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Autorwolff christian. Rubrik1 Rubrik2 Boethius Die Theologischen Tr-
Wolff Christian Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Titel: Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Autor: Wolff Christian
Boethius Die Theologischen Tr-...
Tetens Holm Experimentelle Er...

Honnefelder Ludger Scientia t...

Herder Johann Gottfried Johan...

15. Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Wolff Christian
Translate this page Christian Wolff 1679-1754 wolff christian. Titel Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Autorwolff christian. Rubrik Kategorie Lang Rudolf W. Schlüsselquali
Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Wolff Christian
Titel: Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Autor: Wolff Christian
Lang Rudolf W. Schlüsselquali...

Aehling Martin Aktienanlage i...

Rittershofer Werner Wirtschaf...

Mentzel Wolfgang Rhetorik. Si...

16. Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Wolff Christian
Translate this page Christian Wolff 1679-1754 wolff christian. Titel Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Autorwolff christian. Rubrik Kategorie Hesberg Henner von, Panc Das
Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Wolff Christian
Titel: Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Autor: Wolff Christian
Hesberg Henner von, Panc Das ...

Bayerische Akademie der W...

Grabmann Martin Eine lateinis...

Lotz Walther Zur Geschichte d...

17. Christian Wolff
Christian Wolff (16791754). Wolff attempted to systematize Leibniz'sphilosophy, the product becoming the predominant philosophy
Christian Wolff (1679-1754)
Wolff attempted to systematize Leibniz's philosophy, the product becoming the predominant philosophy in Germany during Kant's formative years. Kant began his career as a member of the Wolffian school, then broke decisively with it. Kant's attack on metaphysics in the Critique of Pure Reason was primarily directed against the so-called "Leibnizian-Wolffian" system. Later, Kant wasto fight off the inevitable Wolffian counter-attack, led by Eberhard Kant stated in the Preface to the second edition of the Critique that Wolff had precribed the correct method for metaphysics: "orderly establishment of principles, clear determination of concepts, insistence upon strictness of proof, and avoidance of venturesome, non-consecutive steps in our inferences" (Bxxxvii). But though methodologically sound, Wolff had neglected to prepare the ground for his demonstrations by undertaking a critique of the organ of metaphysics, pure reason. In particular, he treated sensibility as "nothing but a confused representation of things, containing only what belongs to them in themselves, but doing so under an aggregation of characters and partial representations that we do not consciously distinguish" (A43/B60). In treating the difference between sensibility and understanding as merely "logical," Wolff (along with Leibniz) "has given a completely wrong direction to all investigations into the nature and origin of our cognition" (A44/B61).
Wolffian Metaphysics
The Wolffian theory of reality is broadly divided into two parts: ontology, which treats of possible things, and metaphysics, which treats of actual things. Metaphysics itself has three special subjects: the universe, the soul, and God. The three corresponding branches of "special metaphysics" are cosmology, rational psychology, and rational theology. This distinction forms the basis of the division of Kant's "Dialectic" into Antinomy, Paralogisms, and Ideal of Pure Reason, respectively.

18. Christian Wolff Used CDs -
Buy, sell, or trade new and used CDs. CD's by Wolff, Christian. Used music cds atdiscount prices. CD's by Wolff, Christian. Used music cds at discount prices.

19. Wolff Christian Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Translate this page wolff christian Christian Wolff 1679-1754. Titel Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Autorwolff christian. Rubrik1 Rubrik2 Haucke Angelika Cloppenburg u
Wolff Christian Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Titel: Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Autor: Wolff Christian
Haucke Angelika Cloppenburg u...
Hahn Johannes, Weis Gerlinde...

Hahn Johannes, Weis Gerlinde...

Otto Dieter Herzliche Glück- ...

20. Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Wolff Christian
Translate this page Christian Wolff 1679-1754 wolff christian. Titel Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Autorwolff christian. Rubrik Kategorie Pester Thomas, Walther Die
Christian Wolff 1679-1754 Wolff Christian
Titel: Christian Wolff 1679-1754
Autor: Wolff Christian
Pester Thomas, Walther Die ...

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Mestrup Heinz Die SED...

Steckling Fred, Stecklin Wir ...

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