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         Geophysics:     more books (100)
  1. Tectonic Boundary Conditions for Climate Reconstructions (Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophysics)
  2. The Earth's Ionosphere, Volume 96, Second Edition: Plasma Physics & Electrodynamics (International Geophysics) by Michael C. Kelley, 2009-05-19
  3. Thermodynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, Volume 65 (International Geophysics) by Judith A. Curry, Peter J. Webster, 1999-02-03
  4. Turbulent Diffusion in the Environment (Geophysics and Astrophysics Monographs) by G.T. Csanady, 1973-02-28
  5. Geophysics for Petroleum Engineers, Volume 7 (Handbook of Petroleum Exploration and Production) by Shivaji N. Dasgupta, Fred Aminzadeh, 2010-12-15
  6. Geophysics of the Canary Islands: Results of Spain's Exclusive Economic Zone Program (v. 24, No. 1-2)
  7. Geophysics III: Geologic Interpretation of Seismic Data/Tr-14 (744) by N. H. Foster, Edward A. Beaumont, 1990-12
  8. Encyclopedia Dictionary of Exploration Geophysics by R E Sheriff, 1973-01-01
  9. Naked Earth ~ The New Geophysics by Shawna Vogel, 1996-05-01
  10. Parameter Estimation and Inverse Problems (International Geophysics Series) by Richard Aster, Brian Borchers, et all 2005-01-11
  11. Advances in Geophysics, Vol. 46
  12. Spectral Analysis and Filter Theory in Applied Geophysics by Burkhard Buttkus, 2000-05-11
  13. Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, Volume 91, Second Edition (International Geophysics) by Daniel S. Wilks, 2005-12-05
  14. Seismic Tomography: With Applications in Global Seismology and Exploration Geophysics (Modern Approaches in Geophysics)

101. SW3D
Consortium research project Department of geophysics Faculty of Mathematicsand Physics Charles University Prague. Project Leader Vlastislav Cerveny.


103. Hasbrouck Geophysics, Inc.
Complete geophysical consulting and contracting for the mining, groundwater, environmental and engineering industries with over 30 years of experience.

104. Untitled
Frames Version. The geophysics Group. On Going Research. Seismicity of Honduras.Honduras. International Cooperation. Seismology in Central America.

105. Yale University
Department of Geology and geophysics.

106. Department Of Earth Sciences, Geophysics, Uppsala University
The Department of geophysics at Uppsala University, education, research and people. Departmentof Earth Sciences geophysics. Villavägen 16 752 36 Uppsala.

107. Journal Of Applied Geophysics
Journal description, indexes, tables of contents, and a search feature.

108. Field Development Consultants
Provides geology, geophysics, reservoir engineering, production engineering, and drilling engineering consulting services.

109. Department Of Geophysics - Geothermics

110. Department Of Geology Geophysics, UWA

111. Russia, United Institute Of Geology, Geophysics And Mineralogy
Agency involved in research of Russia's geological resources.

112. Windows Russian Code Page ISO Russian Code Page DOS Russian Code
Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Category Science Earth Sciences geophysics Organizations......Koptyug Pr. 3, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia Phone(3832) 33-26-00,Fax (383-2) 33-27-92. Counter started on June 15, 2001

113. University Of Missouri, Rolla
Undergraduate and Graduate degree programs in geology and geophysics.

114. Surveys In Geophysics
An International Review Journal of geophysics and Planetary Sciences published under the auspices of The European Geophysical Society

115. NMT Geophysics Program
Graduate Student Opportunities! geophysics Open File Reports. Home Geology Geochemistry Hydrology geophysics Site Map Contact

116. Netherland, Sewell Associates, Inc.
Field studies, oil and gas reserve certifications, economic evaluations, operations management, etc. Integrated geology, geophysics, petrophysics and engineering.

117. Institute Of Geophysics And Planetary Physics (IGPP) Home
Members. IGPP at Los Alamos is a branch of the University of California’sSystemwide Institute of geophysics and Planetary Physics.

118. The Bureau Of Economic Geology
Research is being conducted in advanced geotechnology; oil and gas discovery and recovery optimization; geophysics; environmental, wastedisposal, and hydrogeologic studies; coastal processes; and coal and mineral resources, both domestically and abroad.

119. Ultramag Geophysics HOME PAGE
Phone 61 2 4942 8400. Fax 61 2 4942 8402. Latitude 33° 3.120’ Longitude151° 40.174’. © Ultramag geophysics Pty. Ltd. Last update 4 April 2000.

120. Integrated Geophysics Corporation
Integrated geophysics Corporation. Copyright 2001 Integrated geophysics CorporationVoice+1713-680-9996 Fax+1-713-682-6928

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