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         Sinusitis:     more books (102)
  1. Childhood Rhinitis and Sinusitis (Allergic Disease and Therapy) by C. K. Naspitz, 1990-03-23
  2. Easy Breathing: Natural Treatments For Asthma, Colds, Flu, Coughs, Allergies & Sinusitis by David Hoffman, 2000-07-15
  3. Having Nasal Surgery? Don't You Become An Empty Nose Victim! by Christopher Martin, 2007-08-30
  4. Sinusitis: Steps to Healing by Paul Carson, 2009-10-01
  5. Diagnosis And Management of Pediatric Sinusitis by Itzhak Brook, 2007-03-23
  6. SINUSITIS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO ASTHMA Can treating one airway disease ameliorate another? by MD Barbara A. Muller, 2010-06-07
  7. Sinusitis (Clinical Symposia) by Jordan S Josephson, 1994
  8. `Watchful Waiting' or Antibiotics for Sinusitis.(Brief Article): An article from: Family Practice News by Mary Ann Moon, 1999-07-15
  9. Allergic rhinitis, sinusitis Tx often helps asthma. (Association Between Upper Lower Airway).: An article from: Pediatric News by Miriam E. Tucker, 2003-02-01
  10. Antibiotics for sinusitis: is it all in our head?(Mindful Practice): An article from: Internal Medicine News by Jon O. Ebbert, Eric G. Tangalos, 2003-10-15
  11. La Cura Biblica Para El Resfriado, La Gripe Y La Sinusitis (Spanish Edition) by Don Colbert, 2009-07-28
  12. BioDelivery announces licensing of its topical BioNasal amphotericin B for chronic sinusitis.(BioDelivery Sciences International Inc., Accentia Inc.): An article from: BIOTECH Patent News
  13. Chronic sinusitis, the neglected disease--how to manage it by G. Paul Moser, 1975
  14. Nase: Allergische Rhinitis, Sinusitis, Nasopharynxkarzinom, Tränenwege, Septum-Piercing, Epistaxis, Rosazea, Nasennebenhöhle, Eustachi-Röhre (German Edition)

41. Sinusitis
Information and resources on symptoms, treatments and organizations regarding sinusitis.
What is sinusitis?
You're coughing and sneezing and tired and achy. You think that you might be getting a cold. Later, when the medicines you've been taking to relieve the symptoms of the common cold are not working and you've now got a terrible headache, you finally drag yourself to the doctor. After listening to your history of symptoms, examining your face and forehead, and perhaps doing a sinus X-ray, the doctor says you have sinusitis.
Sinusitis simply means your sinuses are infected or inflamed, but this gives little indication of the misery and pain this condition can cause. Health care experts usually divide sinusitis cases into
  • Acute, which lasts for 3 weeks or less
  • Chronic, which usually lasts for 3 to 8 weeks but can continue for months or even years
  • Recurrent, which is several acute attacks within a year
Health care experts estimate that 37 million Americans are affected by sinusitis every year. Health care workers report 33 million cases of chronic sinusitis to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention annually. Americans spend millions of dollars each year for medications that promise relief from their sinus symptoms.
What are sinuses?

42. NeilMed Products - Sinus Rinse, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Allergies
Most comprehensive nasal rinse kit with premixed packets of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate natural ingredients to make 8 oz. of isotonic pH balanced saline solution. Information about the products, frequently asked questions, customer survey and order.
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NEILMED PRODUCTS 1221 Farmers Lane, Suite 500
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
TOLL FREE: 877-477-8633
1-866-SINUSRX Home Products Order FAQs ... Contact Us Web development by Fox Consulting

43. AAAAI - Patients & Consumers Center: Sinusitis
Translate this page sinusitis. La La sinusitis, que es común en los meses de invierno,puede durar meses o años si no se trata en forma correcta. La
Sinusitis La sinusitis es una inflamación aguda o crónica de los senos nasales (cavidades dentro de los huesos de la mejilla que se hallan alrededor de los ojos y detrás de la nariz). Las principales funciones de estos senos son entibiar, humedecer y filtrar el aire en la cavidad nasal. También juegan un papel importante en nuestra capacidad para vocalizar ciertos sonidos. La sinusitis, que es común en los meses de invierno, puede durar meses o años si no se trata en forma correcta. La sinusitis puede afectar la nariz, los ojos o el oído medio, y puede manifestarse por una secreción nasal profusa, espesa y de color, goteo post-nasal de mal sabor, tos, congestión de la cabeza y un dolor de cabeza acompañante. Los síntomas también pueden incluir nariz tapada, una sensación de hinchazón facial, dolor de muelas, cansancio constante y, ocasionalmente, fiebre. Tipos y causas de la sinusitis
Hay dos tipos de sinusitis: la sinusitis aguda , la cual es ocasionada comúnmente por una infección bacteriana y, generalmente, evoluciona a una complicación cinco a diez días después de los primeros síntomas de una infección respiratoria viral como el resfriado común; y la

44. Tuotromedico: Sinusitis
Translate this page La sinusitis es una enfermedad frecuente que se debe a la infección de uno o másde los senos paranasales (cavidades en los huesos del cráneo). sinusitis.
Otros Temas de Alergia Alergia Alergia a la Aspirina® Alergia a la Penicilina Alergia a las Pirazolonas Alergia a los Acaros Alergia a los Insectos (avispa, abeja) Alergia a los Medicamentos Alergia al Látex Alergia al Níquel Alergia al Polen Anafilaxia Asma Exantemas por el Sol Fotosensibilidad Rinitis Piercing y Tatuajes Sinusitis Toma de Inhaladores en Asma Pregunte al doctor Consulte al especialista SINUSITIS DEFINICIÓN CAUSAS SÍNTOMAS ... SABER MÁS DEFINICIÓN La sinusitis es una enfermedad frecuente que se debe a la infección de uno o más de los senos paranasales (cavidades en los huesos del cráneo). CAUSAS La causa primaria que conduce a la sinusitis es la obstrucción de los orificios de los senos. Con esta obstrucción, la circulación sanguínea y la ventilación de la cavidad sinusal son menores, lo que da lugar a un descenso de la PO2 que favorece el crecimiento bacteriano. La infección puede ser aguda, intermitente o crónica. Los causantes más habituales son las bacterias, aunque etiologías víricas y raramente micóticas también producen sinusitis. El Streptococcus pneumoniae Haemophilus influenzae y Moraxella catarrhalis son las bacterias encontradas con más frecuenciaen los cultivos de exudación (pus). Las causas víricas comprenden rhinovirus, virus gripal tipo A y virus parainfluenza. En los pacientes inmunosuprimidos pueden producirse infecciones de sinusitis micótica, como la producida por

45. Asthma And Dust Allergy…Excellent Cures!
Information about asthma, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and nasal polyp.

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46. NeilMed Products - Sinus Rinse, Sinusitis, Rhinitis, Allergies
Most comprehensive nasal rinse kit with premixed packets. An informative brochure with educational material on allergies, sinusitis, and rhinitis is also provided with the kit.
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NEILMED PRODUCTS 1221 Farmers Lane, Suite 500
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
TOLL FREE: 877-477-8633
1-866-SINUSRX Home Products Order FAQs ... Contact Us Web development by Fox Consulting

47. Sinusitis
sinusitis up. sinusitis / drug therapy sinusitis / prevention control sinusitis/ drug therapy. sinusitis, The US National Institute
Sinusitis [up]
Sinusitis / drug therapy
Related topics: broader Respiratory Tract Infections other Bronchitis Common Cold Influenza Lung Diseases, Fungal ... Whooping Cough narrower Ethmoid Sinusitis
Management of acute sinusitis and acute otitis media
Monograph [Publication Type] Otitis Media ... Nose and sinus disorders This resource on nose and sinus disorders is produced by the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, University of Washington School of Medicine. Aimed specifically at patients, this resource provides information on sinus anatomy, infections, sinus surgery, septoplasty, snoring, and sleep apnea. Images and diagrams are provided. Patient Education Sinusitis Sleep Apnea Syndromes Practical guide for the diagnosis and treatment of acute sinusitis This document aimed at physicians aims to develop guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute sinusitis. It provides an overview of the different types of sinusitis as well as a literature review, classification of sinusitis, the paranasal sinuses, the diagnosis, causes, treatment and complications. Published by the Canadian Medical Association. Reprinted from the Canadian Medical Association Journal (Can Med Assoc J 1997;156(6 suppl):S1-S14). Practice Guideline [Publication Type] Sinusitis Sinus surgery This interactive tutorial on sinus surgery has been produced by the Patient Education Institute, and made available on the Web by the National Library of Medicine MEDLINEplus service. The tutorial provides information on sinus anatomy, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, medical treatment, sinus surgery, possible risks and complications, and post-operative care. Viewing this tutorial requires Flash plug-in.

48. WebMD/Lycos - Health Guide
An overview of the causes, risk factors, and symptoms.
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Related Websites

49. Sinusitis
Ambulatory Healthcare Pathways for Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders TerenceM. Davidson, MD sinusitis. sinusitis Algorithm. Overview of sinusitis.
Find a Doctor Index of Patient Information Clinic Maps and Directions
Ambulatory Healthcare Pathways for Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders
Terence M. Davidson, M.D.

Sinusitis Algorithm
  • Nasal medicaments include decongestants, mucolytic agents, topical decongestants, antihistamines, nasal and systemic steroids and p.o. garlic e.g. chicken soup. The following list these by generic names:
  • Decongestants
  • Mucolytic agents
    water p.o.
    nasal saline drops
    nasal saline irrigation
  • Topical decongestants
  • Antihistamines
    Non specific:
    H1 specific
  • Steroids
    topical nasal steroids
    There is little science and much individual opinion about the treatment of the common cold. We recommend nasal saline, p.o. garlic, horseradish and lots of water. Chicken soup is recommended as a treatment for the common cold. Its efficacy is probably related to the garlic. It is therefore an excellent treatment for it contains fluids, salts and the garlic which stimulates rhinorrhea. Antihistamines concentrate and increase the viscosity of nasal mucus and impair mucociliary clearance. They are therefore counterproductive. They may provide benefit for individuals with allergic rhinitis. Topical decongestants are addictive, but many physicians recommend their judicious use. Oral decongestants remain efficacious. Systemic steroids suppress immunity and are not normally prescribed. Topical nasal steriods are indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Their benefit for infection and anatomic abnormaltities has not been investigated.
  • 50. WELCOME To Robyn Kirby's SINUS HOTLINE !
    Robyn Kirby is one of Australia's leading herbalists and naturopaths. She is a longtime practising herbalist who now specialises in the treatment of sinusitis (a disease she believes is the most debilitating of all)
    sinusitis, robin, robyn, robynkirby, sinus, hotline, sinushotline, cure, allergy, allergies, hay fever, herbs, alternative, symptoms, sleep apnea, checklist, sinusitis, medicine, snore, spit, mucus, disease, queezy, cough, cold, flu Sorry, but it appears your web browser is not capable of displaying frames
    Please email for assistance.
    sinusitis, robin, robyn, robynkirby, sinus, hotline, sinushotline, cure, allergy, allergies, hay fever, herbs, alternative, symptoms, sleep apnea, checklist, sinusitis, medicine, snore, spit, mucus, disease, queezy, cough, cold, flu

    51. Consultations: Sinusitis
    Head and Neck Surgery Consultations Terence M. Davidson, MD Consultation forsinusitis. The diagnosis of sinusitis is made, and he gives me antibiotics.
    Head and Neck Surgery Consultations
    Terence M. Davidson, M.D.
    Consultation for Sinusitis
    This consultation is part of a series of consultations with Head and Neck Surgery specialists at the University of California, San Diego. The case is a hypothetical patient chosen to represent a composite of the usual and most common patients with this specific disorder. Where gender, age or race make a difference, these will be specifically cited. Where they do not make a difference, they may be omitted. The consultation is presented for purposes of general information. Specifics about an individual case and specific treatment must be discussed between the patient and the treating physician. The patient is a young adult referred for evaluation for chronic sinusitis. Doctor : Good morning. What can I do for you today? Patient : I have suffered recurrent sinus infections. My primary care physician has been unable to successfully manage these and has recommended an evaluation to see if you have additional ideas. Doctor : How long have you been having recurrent infections?

    52. Austin Allergy Associates
    Three clinic locations in Austin, Texas. Information on patient services for allergies, asthma, hives, and sinusitis. Includes patient educational links.
    Austin Allergy Associates
    Thurman Ray Vaughan, M.D.
    Allergy Report:
    Are You at Risk?

    Up to 41 million Americans are at risk of an anaphylactic attack each year.
    Take this test to see if you are at risk

    Patient Education
    Austin Allergy Associates

    1600 W. 38th Street Suite 120
    Austin, TX 78731
    Fax: 512-458-2330 Allergy Associates of Round Rock 893 North Ih-35, Suite 100 Round Rock, TX 78664 Please read this important message about this Website.

    53. Sinusitis
    sinusitis. MM Carr DDS MD MEd. In General Terms To diagnose sinusitis the patientmust have more than 2 major factors or 1 major and 2 minor factors. Diagnosis.
    Sinusitis MM Carr DDS MD MEd Reviewed by DA Kirkpatrick MD FRCSC, Lecturer, Department of Otolaryngology, Dalhousie University Definition Sinusitis is defined as a condition manifested by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, fluids within these cavities, and/or the underlying bone. Clinical Criteria for Diagnosis Major Factors
    • Facial pain/pressure Facial congestion/fullness Nasal obstruction Nasal discharge: purulent, or discoloured postnasal drainage Hyposmia/anosmia Purulent discharge in nose Fever (acute sinusitis)
    Minor Factors
    • Headache Halitosis Fatigue Dental pain Cough Ear pressure/fullness
    In General Terms: To diagnose sinusitis the patient must have more than 2 major factors or 1 major and 2 minor factors Diagnosis Duration Acute Sinusitis: 4 or fewer weeks in duration Chronic Sinusitis: More than 4 weeks in duration Recurrent Acute Sinusitis: Four or more episodes per year, each episode lasting at least 10 days, without signs of chronic sinusitis between Physical Signs of Sinusitis
  • Swelling and erythema: maxillary, orbital, or frontal region
  • 54. Allergy Relief Store For Dust Mite And Mold Control Allergy Products And More.
    Features a range of allergy, asthma, and sinusitis products including dust mite proof bedding, hepa air purifiers and vacuums, furnace filters, and water filters.
    ALLERGY RELIEF PRODUCTS Dust Mite Allergy Bedding

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    enter your email address Email: Shop Safely Online!
    This Site is Secured by: Allergies
    and asthma affect at least a quarter of the U. S. population and prompt more doctors' office visits than any other medical problem. In addition to other physician recommrnended measures, environmental control to avoid allergen exposure is an important component of a successful allergy and asthma management program. Some of the more common allergy and asthma triggers are dust mites, cockroaches, animal dander, indoor mold, pollen, perfume, cleaning chemicals and tobacco smoke. Dust mites are the most common allergy and asthma trigger and need the most work to remove. Our allergy control products will take you one step closer to trigger-proofing your home and your life against allergy and asthma attacks. Visit us today and breathe easier tomorrow. The Allergy Relief Store has been in business since 1996 and has provided allergy products to customers across the United States.

    55. Sinusitis Symptoms And Treatment With Aromatherapy
    sinusitis symptom treatment and other headache remedies through aromatherapy.Apply home recipes with natural products. sinusitis Symptoms Treatment.
    Aromatherapy and Sunspirit
    Sinusitis symptoms can be painful, with a continually stuffy feeling in the nose.
    • Are you feeling fed up with a runny or stuffy nose?
    • Has your life become miserable with an unnerving splitting headache?
    • Are you suffering from bouts of migraine?
    We can help you to relieve sinusitis,
    hay fever, migraine and cluster headaches. What are the benefits of using essential oils
    • Relieves dull headaches
    • Helps to dry and clear stuffy noses
    • Powerful antiseptic properties to eradicate infection
    • Provides pain relief
    What is sinusitis? This is an infection in the sinal cavity. The sinuses are a bony cavity behind, above and at each side of the nose and opening into the nasal cavity. They act as a sound box to give resonance to the voice. The sinuses are lined with mucous membrane similar to that lining the nose, and infection from the nose can easily spread into them. Openings from the nose into the sinuses are very narrow, they quickly become blocked when the mucous membrane of the nose becomes swollen during a cold, hay fever or catarrh, and then the infection is trapped inside the sinus.

    56. Background Information About Chronic Sinusitis. Rino-Flow Nasal Wash And Sinus S
    Drugfree sinus and allergy relief including treatment for sinus infection, sinusitis, post nasal drip, congestion, and sore throat.
    Sale Prices End
    Portable, easy-to-use, and about the size of a tissue box, Rino-Flow consists of a small compressor unit and a hand-held chamber that delivers a gentle saline mist into your nasal cavities.
    Now each member of the family can have their own irrigation chamber. The chamber should be disassembled and all parts boiled once a month. With average daily usage, the chamber should be replaced yearly.
    1841 SW 94th Avenue
    Miami, Florida, 33165
    Telephone Numbers:
    Customer Service (Toll Free) 1-888-337-5665
    Customer Service (Local) 1-305-223-5710
    Fax Number: 305-220-3334 - (Fax Line Open 24 Hours.) Business Hours: Monday to Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM - U.S. Eastern Time
    Saturday - 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM - U.S. Eastern Time
    Sunday - Closed This Page Last Updated

    57. Sinusitis, Sinus And Allergies, Colds & Prevention, Sore Throats, Natural Home C
    Board Certified otolaryngologist discusses nasal irrigation and other methods for treatment of common Category Health Medicine Medical Specialties Allergist......sinusitis, ear, nose, throat, and SCUBArelated problem advice by Dr. Grossan, aspecialist and author. Cystic Fibrosis and sinusitis; Do I need sinus surgery?
    Dr. Grossan
    *On-line* Consultant
    . . . Prevention, Natural Cures, Drugless Relief, Avoiding Surgery . . .
    Drug-Free Relief of Sinusitis and Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems
    [For Divers] [Ear] [Throat] [Miscellaneous] ... A New Treatment for Sudden Hearing Loss Did you know that sinus irrigation prevents the common cold
  • Sinus Headaches
    Post-Nasal Drip (a runny nose)

    Sinus Problems
    Chicken Soup for Asthma and Allergies
    (check out the full article in the November 1998 issue of Coping with Asthma and Allergies
  • Cystic Fibrosis and Sinusitis Do I need sinus surgery? An explanation of the latest surgical techniques (when to seek them and how to avoid them) by Dr. Grossan.
  • Is there a better sinus surgery?
  • Health Care Professionals or anyone looking for more detailed information might want to look at these pages.
  • Dozens of Articles are available which show that pulsatile irrigation is the preferred, most effective method of treatment for most sinus disease and related problems.
  • Dr Grossan's book
  • 58. Cystic Fibrosis And Sinusitis
    Pages. Cystic Fibrosis and sinusitis. Medicine has advanced the treatmentof Cystic Fibrosis (CF) significantly in the past 10 years.
    Dr. Grossan's Ear, Nose and Throat Consultant Pages
    Cystic Fibrosis and Sinusitis
    Medicine has advanced the treatment of Cystic Fibrosis (CF) significantly in the past 10 years. Various measures that clear the lungs are becoming standardized. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as well as other support groups have been contributing not only to uncovering a cure but in helping the patient and their families as well. In 1989 the gene etiology of this condition was recognized and gene therapy is now being actively pursued. The CF patient fails to have normal mucus clearance. Thick tenacious mucus keeps bacteria from being cleared and prevents antibiotics from being effective. Clearance of mucus from the chest therefore is a paramount treatment objective. Various physical therapy methods include chest percussion, forceful exhalation, various dilators, postural drainage. The flutter device uses sound vibration to help reduce the thickness of the mucus. Inhalation of drugs that break down the structure of the mucus are in use. A similar thick fluid causes sinus infections. Nasal polyps are common. This is a type of bag of water where the liquid is maintained within the cell so that the cell expands and blocks the nose. A mucocele can develop, often in the frontal sinus. This is a similar bag of water within a membrane that expands and puts pressure on the sinus wall. Headaches in the frontal sinus area - above the eyes - is a common sign.

    59. Medicine-Worldwide: Sinusitis
    Translate this page Die sinusitis ist eine Entzuendung der Schleimhaut in den Nasennebenhoehlen.Sie Entzündungen der Nasennebenhöhlen, sinusitis. Zusammenfassung
    Sie befinden sich hier: startseite krankheiten hno Hals-Nasen-Ohren ... Tipp: Die Nasendusche
    Kleine Anatomie
    Anatomische Grundlagen der Sinusitis
    Polypen bei Kindern bezeichnet werden. Auch Allergien, wie ein allergischer Schnupfen oder Pilzinfektionen spielen bei der chronischen Sinusitis eine entscheidende Rolle.
    Schleimhautschwellung und Sekretstau Meist bestand einige Tage zuvor ein Schnupfen, der sich bereits gebessert haben kann. Hauptsymptom der akuten Sinusitis sind Gesichts- und Kopfschmerzen. Typischerweise nehmen diese Schmerzen Lokalisation des Schmerzes Siebbein Das Nasensekret Die Nasenatmung Allgemeinsymptome, wie Abgeschlagenheit und Fieber , treten auf. Bei der chronischen Sinusitis
    Sinusitis bei Kindern
    Endoskopische Diagnostik Endoskops Falls erforderlich kann mittels einer Untersuchung des Nasensekretes (Abstrich) der Erregernachweis Computertomogramm (CT) angefertigt. Dieses ist auf jeden Fall vor einer geplanten Operation notwendig. Blutuntersuchungen, Allergietest, Riechtest und Untersuchung durch den Zahnarzt sind bei entsprechenden Hinweisen sinnvoll. Bei Komplikationen werden meist auch Augenarzt und Neurologe konsultiert.
    Konservative Therapie
    Augenbeteiligung schwere Komplikationen entwickeln. Die anatomischen Strukturen in der Umgebung der betroffenen Nasennebenhöhlen können in die Entzündung mit einbezogen werden. Die Entzündung kann "durchbrechen". So entsteht beispielsweise beim Durchbruch einer Stirnhöhlenentzündung eine teigige Schwellung und Rötung der Stirnhaut und des Oberlides. Bei einer Kieferhöhlenentzündung besteht vor allem eine Schwellung im Bereich der Wange und des Unterlides. Ein Durchbruch in die Augenhöhle kann zur Lidschwellung, Sehstörungen, bis hin zum Sehverlust und Einschränkung der Augenbeweglichkeit führen.

    60. Pediatric Sinusitis
    Unlike in adults, pediatric sinusitis is difficult to diagnose because symptomscan be subtle and the causes complex. How Will the Doctor Treat sinusitis?

    ENT Link
    ENT Health Information Sinus Pediatric Sinusitis Fact Sheet: Pediatric Sinusitis
    Your child’s sinuses are not fully developed until age 20. Although small, the maxillary (behind the cheek) and ethmoid (between the eyes) sinuses are present at birth. Unlike in adults, pediatric sinusitis is difficult to diagnose because symptoms can be subtle and the causes complex.
    How Do I Know When My Child Has Sinusitis?
    The following symptoms may indicate a sinus infection in your child:
    • a “cold” lasting more than 10 to 14 days, sometimes with a low-grade fever
    • thick yellow-green nasal drainage
    • post-nasal drip, sometimes leading to or exhibited as sore throat, cough, bad breath, nausea and/or vomiting
    • headache, usually in children age six or older
    • irritability or fatigue
    • swelling around the eyes
    Young children have immature immune systems and are more prone to infections of the nose, sinus, and ears, especially in the first several years of life. These are most frequently caused by viral infections (colds), and they may be aggravated by allergies. However, when your child remains ill beyond the usual week to ten days, a serious sinus infection is likely.
    You can reduce the risk of sinus infections for your child by reducing exposure to known environmental allergies and pollutants such as tobacco smoke, reducing his/her time at day care, and treating stomach acid reflux disease.

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