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         Amnesty International:     more books (101)
  1. Amnesty International Handbook 1992
  2. Voices for Freedom by Amnesty International, 1986-12
  3. Menschenrechtspolitik von oben und von unten: Formen und Perspektiven der Menschenrechtsarbeit durch eine IGO und eine NGO am Beispiel der UNO und amnesty international (German Edition) by Jeanette Neij, 1997-01-01
  4. Amnesty International Report, 1986 by Amnesty International, 1986-09
  5. Amnesty in International Law by Ben Chigara, 2002-03
  6. Peter Benenson: Taking a Stand Against Injustice Amnesty International (People Who Have Helped the World) by David Winner, 1992-02
  7. Amnesty for Crime in International Law and Practice by Andreas O'Shea, 2002-02-13
  8. The poison river; foreword by Southeast Asia Coordination Group, Amnesty International, USA. by Steve, with Mal Karman Raymond, 1995
  9. Political Imprisonment in the People's Republic of China: An Amnesty International Report by Unnamed Unnamed, 1978
  10. Amnesty International Report 2000 (Amnesty International (Paper), 2000)
  11. Forbidden Films: The Filmmaker and Human Rights in Aid of Amnesty International, Toronto, October 18-28, 1984 by Marc Glassman, 1984-12
  12. Amnesty International gegen Folter: Eine kritische Bilanz (Beitrage zur Politikwissenschaft) (German Edition) by Uta Devries, 1998
  13. Amnesty International by Marsha Bronson, Joseph G. Oberle, 1994-06
  14. Amnesty international by Reg Grant, 2002-09-25

41. Amnesty International Australia (achievements)
amnesty international's membership has received the nobel Peace Prize for securingthe ground for freedom, for justice and thereby also for peace in the world
home about AI our achievements what's happening how to help resources the shop ... get in touch good news


Asia and the Pacific

Other good news

December 2002
Libya releases 65 prisoners including prisoners of conscience and possible prisoners of conscience Amnesty International gets results!
On an individual, national and international level, Amnesty International enjoys heartening success.
We have increased world awareness of political imprisonment, torture, political killings and the death penalty. We have played a key role in establishing and improving national and international mechanisms for human rights protection. We have helped to change unjust laws and to outlaw cruel practices.
But ultimately, all our research and campaigning is aimed at affecting the fate of individuals. Every year, prisoners, their lawyers and the families of victims of injustice thank Amnesty International for its efforts on their behalf. As an organisation, we don't claim credit when a prisoner is released, when clemency is granted or when a government's human rights record improves. However, former prisoners, torture victims and others who have suffered human rights abuse often insist that international pressure secured their freedom and saved their lives.

42. Amnesty International (A Brief History)
amnesty international worked. In 1977 amnesty international was awardedthe nobel Peace Prize for its work. Many early members of
home about AI our achievements what's happening how to help resources ...



A brief history
In 1961, London lawyer Peter Benenson read about a group of students in Portugal who were arrested and jailed for raising a toast to "freedom" in a public restaurant. This incident prompted him to launch a one-year campaign called "Appeal for Amnesty 1961" in the London Observer, a local newspaper.
The "Appeal for Amnesty" called for the release of all people imprisoned because of peaceful expression of their beliefs, politics, race, religion, colour, or national origin. Benenson called these people, "prisoners of conscience." His plan was to encourage people to write letters to government officials in countries which had prisoners of conscience, calling for their release.
The campaign grew enormously, spread to other countries, and by the end of 1961 the organisation, Amnesty International, had been formed.

43. Searches Fast As The Wind
2. nobel Peace Prize 1977 amnesty international. includes a historyof the organization and text of the nobel lecture by Mumtaz Soysal. international

44. Free Aung San Suu Kyi Home Page
amnesty international. nobel Laureate still under house arrest. December 7, 2001.nobel eMuseum. Heroines of peace ; the nine nobel women. nobel e-Museum.
News and opinion Suu Kyi released from house arrest! Latest news on Daw Aung
San Suu Kyi
Latest news on Burma World opinion ... Quotable quotes Michael Aris and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, 1973 Did you know that .... Daw Aung San Suu Kyi was under house arrest from September 19, 2000 to May 6, 2002, and has been under house arrest for most of the last 13 years, including the year in which she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? Burma is estimated to have one of the largest numbers of child soldiers of any country in the world , with up to 50,000 children serving in both government armed forces and armed opposition groups? Burma, under the military regime, is the world's largest producer of opium About Aung San Suu Kyi
and Burma
About Aung San Suu Kyi Quick guide to what the debate is about Quick guide to who's who Fact sheets and backgrounders on Burma ... What you can do Refugees and Burma About refugees and Burma What you can do for refugees Burma in Pictures and Sound Aung San Suu Kyi.

45. Amnesty International Thailand - About AI
More about AI. Founded in 1961, amnesty international is a nobel Prize winninggrassroots activist organization with over onemillion members world wide.
Amnesty International in Thailand
AI in Thailand had its initial beginnings in 1982. For more than a decade, it only had a nominal presence largely composed of former student dissident leaders. Following the 1992 massacre and political events in the country, there was more interest in AI and many new people joined. The idea of membership groups was introduced to students as well as other professionals and from there, three groups were established between 1991-1993. Today, there are nine groups active or in formation.
More about AI
Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is a Nobel Prize winning grassroots activist organization with over one-million members world wide. For the past 40 years AI has fought to defend victims of human rights violations. Learn more about Amnesty International Worldwide , its history, statute, facts and figures... The efforts for setting up a functioning office started in 1989, then a formal structure with a board was established in 1993. The first Annual General Meeting (AGM) for AI Thailand was held in February 1994. In the recent years, AI Thailand has grown from a small group of members into a well functioning structure with a democratically elected board, professional staff and fully equipped office. There is marked increase in membership and in the capacity of the local groups for campaigning.

46. Amnesty International Gruppo Italia 242 Palmi
Translate this page amnesty international è un movimento internazionale, indipendente da qualsiasigoverno, parte politica le Nazioni Unite ed ha ricevuto il premio nobel per la
Amnesty International
Gruppo Italia 242
E' meglio accendere una candela
che maledire
Premio Nobel per la pace 1977
Premio delle Nazioni Unite per i diritti umani 1978
Chi siamo
Amnesty International è un movimento internazionale, indipendente da qualsiasi governo, parte politica, interesse economico o credo religioso che opera per la promozione e la difesa dei diritti umani incentrando innanzitutto la sua azione sui casi di singoli prigionieri. Possiede status consultivo presso le Nazioni Unite ed ha ricevuto il premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1977.
A.I. si adopera in particolare per: - sollecitare procedure giudiziarie eque e rapide e lavora a favore di coloro che si trovano detenuti senza processo o imputazione; - si oppone incondizionatamente alla pena di morte e alla tortura così come ad ogni altro trattamento crudele, inumano e degradante; - si oppone alla pratica delle "sparizioni" e delle esecuzioni extragiudiziali perpetrate dai governi, come pure alle uccisioni arbitrarie e deliberate ad opera dei gruppi armati di opposizione ai governi; - si adopera in favore dei minori perché ovunque nel mondo abbiano uno standard di vita dignitoso siano protetti dagli abusi sessuali, ne sia impedito lo sfruttamento nel lavoro ed il reclutamento nelle forze armate, siano garantiti loro processi e condizioni carcerarie adeguati alla loro età.

47. Amnesty International - Gruppo 019 BOLOGNA
amnesty international, un movimento in Difesa dei Diritti Umani in tutto il mondo,indipendente da ogni Governo, partito politico o religione, e Premio nobel
GUYANA: Diritti Umani e
controllo della criminalità
Con questo appello, ci rivolgiamo alle autorità della Guyana affinchè modifichino la nuova legislazione anti-crimine che, secondo Amnesty International, non offre le necessarie tutele per i diritti fondamentali dell'individuo.
Destinatario The Rt. Hon. Bharrat Jagdeo
Office of the President
New Garden Street and South Road
Nome e Cognome

(OBBLIGATORIO) Città (OBBLIGATORIO) Nazionalità (OBBLIGATORIO) La vostra sottoscrizione verrà stampata, imbustata e spedita al destinatario dell'appello. TRADUZIONE IN ITALIANO: Signor Ministro, Siamo membri e simpatizzanti di Amnesty International, un movimento in Difesa dei Diritti Umani in tutto il mondo, indipendente da ogni Governo, partito politico o religione, e Premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1997. Sappiamo che la Guyana ha assunto un importante ruolo internazionale, in particolare nella OAS, per promuovere i diritti umani. Riconosciamo la gravità della situazione del crimine in Guyana e siamo coscienti che lo Stato ha l'obbligo di proteggere i suoi cittadini dalla criminalità, e che lo Stato e la società dovrebbero supportare le vittime del crimine al meglio delle sue possibilità. Comunque, vogliamo esprimere la nostra preoccupazione sul fatto che la nuova legislazione anti-crimine (la CLOAA 2002 e la PCAA 2002) violano i fondamentali diritti umani e aumenta il rischio che avvengano violazioni, in particolare a riguardo dell'estensione della pena di morte come pena obbligatoria un ampio campo di crimini di sangue. Inoltre, siamo preoccupati in merito alla ipotesi che la pena capitale possa esserre imposta a seguito di procesi ingiusti, mancanti degli standard internazionali sul giusto processo.

48. Amnesty International - Gruppo 019 BOLOGNA
of amnesty international, a movement in defence of Human Rights all over the world,independent from any Government, political or religious party, nobel Prize
Progetto Abolizionista
Il 30 gennaio 2003, più della metà dei deputati dell'Assemblea Nazionale ha riproposto il disegno di legge per l'abolizione della pena di morte. Come il testo precedente, anche questo dovrà passare per la delibera dello Standing Committee for Judiciary and Legislation. Anche questa volta la Commissione sembra essere contraria a questo progetto di legge.
Destinatario Mr. Park Kwan-yong
Speaker of The National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
1 Youido-dong, Yongdongpo-ku
Seoul 150-701
Republic of Korea
( L'appello verrà mandato, in copia, anche a Ham Suk-jae, Presidente della Commissione Permanente per l'Ordinamento Giudiziario e Legislativo )
( La traduzione italiana è in fondo alla pagina) Nome e Cognome (OBBLIGATORIO) Città (OBBLIGATORIO) Nazionalità (OBBLIGATORIO) La vostra sottoscrizione verrà stampata, imbustata e spedita al destinatario dell'appello. TRADUZIONE IN ITALIANO: Sono un sostenitore di Amnesty International, un movimento in difesa dei Diritti Umani in tutto il mondo, indipendente da ogni Governo, formazione politica o religiosa, Premio Nobel per la Pace nel 1977. Sono venuto a sapere che il 30 Gennaio 2003, circa un mese fa, un progetto di legge per l'abolizione della pena di morte è stato re-inviato da 155 membri della Assemblea Coreana. Questo progetto sta attualmente aspettando di essere deliberato dalla Commissione Permanente per l'Ordinamento Giudiziario e Legislativo. Sottilineiamo positivamente gli sforzi del Governo Koreano per far approvare questo progetto, e pensiamo che questo possa essere un contributo storico al rispetto dei diritti umani in tutto il mondo.

49. Amnesty International-SMSU
amnesty international was awarded the nobel Peace Prize in 1977 for securing theground for freedom, for justice, and thereby also for peace in the world.
A worldwide movement of people working together
to protect the human rights of other people.
The Southwest Missouri State University chapter of Amnesty International, located in Springfield, Missouri, USA, has weekly meetings during the fall and spring semesters. Email Mike Boyd or Timmy Miano for information about location and time of meetings. You're always welcome to join us, even if you don't attend SMSU. Our meetings consist of writing letters to authorities about human rights injustices, and preparing for events we hold, like information tables, collecting signatures on petitions, distributing information, holding discussion groups, and raising money by selling T-shirts and other merchandise. We also hold an annual FreedomFest concert in late April / early May on the SMSU campus, with the help of local bands and other human rights–related groups. Graphics Gallery
Visit our official nationally-renowned Amnesty International Graphics Gallery . Are you an Amnesty International group trying to create flyers or web pages? We have official Amnesty graphics and pictures to help you! We're one of the few Amnesty International groups in the country authorized to distribute Amnesty International graphics.

50. Amnesty International At UofL
Campus chapter of the human rights organization. General information, campaigns, news and events.Category Reference Education Organizations......Founded in 1961, amnesty international is a nobel Prizewinning grassrootsactivist organization with over one million members worldwide.
Amnesty International
University of Louisville Chapter Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is a Nobel Prize-winning grassroots activist organization with over one million members worldwide. Amnesty International is dedicated to freeing prisoners of conscience, gaining fair trials for political prisoners, ending torture, political killings and "disappearances," and abolishing the death penalty throughout the world.

51. The Harbinger. Human Rights And Amnesty International.
In 1977 amnesty international was recognized with a nobel Peace Prizefor supporting the Universal Declaration of human rights.
Home Page
Front Page


February 8, 2000
Human Rights and Amnesty International
by Carl Ballard Swanson On May 28, 1961 London lawyer Peter Benenson read about a group of students in Portugal who were arrested and jailed for raising a toast to "freedom" in a public restaurant. This incident prompted him to launch a one-year campaign called "Appeal for Amnesty 1961" in the London Observer , a local newspaper. The "Appeal for Amnesty" called for the release of all people imprisoned because of peaceful expression of their beliefs, politics, race, religion, color, or national origin. Benenson called these people, "prisoners of conscience." His plan was to encourage people to write letters to government officials in countries which had prisoners of conscience, calling for their release. Imagine what places like Kosovo or East Timor would degrade to without the efforts of Amnesty International and concerned neighbors. You only have to look as far as our own neighborhoods to realize the value of caring and empowered citizens. The work that local Amnesty International members do is not complex or difficult or even "political"; it is just being a good neighbor and knowing what is right and simply doing it. In 1977 Amnesty International was recognized with a Nobel Peace Prize for supporting the Universal Declaration of human rights. The Nobel Committee said "Through its activity for the defense of human worth against degrading treatment, violence and torture, Amnesty International has contributed to securing the ground for freedom, for justice, and thereby also for peace in the world." The basis of Amnesty's work is Universal human rights which most countries have recognized through the United Nations. You don't have to be a lawyer or know a foreign language to be part of Amnesty International. If you have thirty minutes and sixty cents postage you can do some of the most important work Amnesty does by writing a letter.

52. BJK Homepage: Amnesty International
the nobel Peace Prize. The basis of the organization is the Universal Declarationof Human Rights. For more info on amnesty, go to the international homepage.
Bert-Jaap Koops homepage Amnesty International works for human rights. Founded in 1961, Amnesty has grown into a worldwide organization with more than a million members all over the world. Amnesty groups are active in over 90 countries. In 1977, Amnesty was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The basis of the organization is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For more info on Amnesty, go to the international homepage Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. (Article 3 UDHR)
What Amnesty does for you
Amnesty works for the release of prisoners of conscience, fair trials for political prisoners, and for an end to torture, the death penalty, political killings and 'disappearances'. Besides, Amnesty seeks to promote all human rights in general. Its publications and campaigns are based on thorough and impartial research which double-checks all information. Amnesty is financially independent, not accepting gifts or subsidies from governments, and politically impartial, not taking a position on political issues. Most importantly, Amnesty is effective. Its work helps people who badly need support. Amnesty often receives thanks from prisoners for whom Amnesty appealed. For instance, Tong Yi, former personal assistant to China's main dissident Wei Jingsheng, was released in late 1996 after two-and-a-half years of "re-education through labour". She told Amnesty:

53. Amnesty International Nova Scotia Home Page
A voluntary movement that works impartially to prevent violations by governments of people's fundamental Category Regional North America Society and Culture Organizations...... amnesty international was the recipient of the 1977 nobel Price forPeace. AI Groups in Nova Scotia. Links to Other AI Groups. Web
Amnesty International
Nova Scotia Home Page
A special note of thanks to Chebucto Community Net for providing a home for Amnesty International. Take a look at Chebucto's Home Page: Chebucto Community Net
A.I. Mandate
Amnesty International is a worldwide voluntary movement that works impartially to prevent some of the gravest violations by governments of people's fundamental human rights. The main focus of its campaigns is to:
  • free all prisoners of conscience: people detained anywhere for their beliefs or because of their ethnic origin, sex, colour or language who have not used or advocated violence;
  • ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners;
  • abolish the death penalty, torture and other cruel treatment of prisoners;
  • end extrajudicial executions and "disappearances".
Amnesty International also opposes abuses by opposition groups: hostage-taking, torture and killings of prisoners and other arbitrary killings. Amnesty International is independent of any government, political persuasion or religious creed. It has formal relations with the United Nations, the Council of American states and the organization of African Unity. Amnesty International was the recipient of the 1977 Nobel Price for Peace.

54. Facts And Figures: The Work Of Amnesty International
amnesty international has also joined other nobel Peace Prize recipients, such asOscar Arias, José Ramos Hortas and Desmond Tutu in developing and promoting
Facts and Figures: The work of Amnesty International This facts and figures sheet gives an overview of the work of Amnesty International and the work carried out by the organization in 1998.
  • The Beginning Amnesty International was launched in 1961 by British lawyer Peter Benenson. His newspaper appeal, "The Forgotten Prisoners", was published worldwide on 28 May 1961 and brought in more than 1,000 offers of support for the idea of an international campaign to protect human rights. Within 12 months the new organization had sent delegations to four countries to make representations on behalf of prisoners, and had taken up 210 cases. Amnesty International members had organized national bodies in seven countries. The first year's expenditure was £6,040. The principles of strict impartiality and independence were established. The emphasis was on the international protection of human rights: Amnesty International members were to act on cases worldwide and not become involved in cases in their own countries.
  • Today There are nationally organized sections in 56 countries, 34 of them in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia and the Middle East and Central Europe. Amnesty International USA is the United States Section of the international movement. AIUSA is also the largest of Amnesty's national sections.
  • 55. Amnesty International USA - Orlando Florida Chapter
    Founded in 1961, amnesty international is a nobel Prize winning grassrootsactivist organization with over onemillion members world wide.
    Orlando, Florida Chapter #519
    116 East Concord Street * Orlando, FL. 32801 * (407) 841-3900 NEXT Meeting: 6:00pm, 1st Monday of Each Month (Except July)!
    Marks Street Senior Center
    Magnolia and Marks Street, Orlando FL.
    Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is a Nobel Prize winning grassroots activist organization with over one-million members world wide.
    Amnesty International USA (AIUSA) is the U.S. Section of this international human rights movement. Amnesty International works to:
    Free all prisoners of conscience detained anywhere for their beliefs or because of their ethnic origin, sex, colour or language who have not used or advocated violence
    Ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners
    Abolish the death penalty, torture and other cruel treatment of prisoners. Program !
    Link To Amnesty USA Website
    Program ! Newsletter ... E-mail Contact: Cheryl Ellefson:

    56. Nobel Prize Winners For Peace
    1976, Corrigan, Mairéad, Northern Ireland. Williams, Betty, Northern Ireland.1977, amnesty international, (founded 1961). 1978, Begin, Menachem, Israel.
    Year Article Country* Dunant, Henri Switzerland France Switzerland Gobat, Charles-Albert Switzerland Cremer, Sir Randal U.K. Institute of International Law (founded 1873) Suttner, Bertha, Freifrau von Austria-Hungary Roosevelt, Theodore U.S Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro Italy Renault, Louis France Arnoldson, Klas Pontus Sweden Bajer, Fredrik Denmark Belgium Estournelles de Constant, Paul-H.-B. d' France International Peace Bureau (founded 1891) Asser, Tobias Michael Carel The Netherlands Fried, Alfred Hermann Austria-Hungary Root, Elihu U.S. Lafontaine, Henri-Marie Belgium International Committee of the Red Cross (founded 1863) Wilson, Woodrow U.S. France Branting, Karl Hjalmar Sweden Lange, Christian Lous Norway Nansen, Fridtjof Norway Chamberlain, Sir Austen U.K. Dawes, Charles G. U.S. Briand, Aristide France Stresemann, Gustav Germany France Quidde, Ludwig Germany Kellogg, Frank B. U.S. Sweden Addams, Jane U.S. Butler, Nicholas Murray U.S. Angell, Sir Norman U.K. Henderson, Arthur U.K. Ossietzky, Carl von Germany Saavedra Lamas, Carlos Argentina Cecil (of Chelwood), Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 1st Viscount

    57. Death Penalty Abolition Action Team Of Amnesty International Group 133 In Somerv
    A recipient of the nobel Peace Prize in 1977, amnesty international seeks the releaseof all prisoners of conscience, fair and prompt trials for all political
    Current Actions Keeping the Death
    Penalty out of MA
    Texas Death Row:
    Chris Solomon
    ... Anti-DP Legislation About Us Upcoming Events Our History:
    Past Actions/Events
    Next Meeting ... Contact Info In General History of the DP
    in Massachusetts
    On-line Resources Team Photographs ... Group 133 Site WHO WE ARE - OUR MISSION
    AIUSA Group 133's Death Penalty Action Team:

    "Joining together with activists throughout the Greater Boston area, to stand against capital punishment." OUR MISSION STATEMENT: (revised Jan. 2002)
    The Death Penalty Abolition Action Team is dedicated to actions and initiatives promoting the worldwide abolition of the death penalty. We seek to abolish capital punishment through local and state action as well as national and international movements. Our team is part of local Amnesty International USA Local Group 133, serving Somerville, Arlington, and the Greater Boston area. We meet every three weeks, participate in letter writing efforts, work to stop the execution of a death row inmate in Texas, work to keep the death penalty out of Massachusetts, organize vigils and demonstrations, and promote the unconditional abolition of the death penalty worldwide. JOIN US!

    58. What Is Amnesty International?
    Founded in 1961, amnesty international is a nobel Prize winning grass rootsactivist organization with over one million members world wide.
    Founded in 1961, Amnesty International is a Nobel Prize winning grass roots activist organization with over one million members world wide. Amnesty International is a worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards. In particular, Amnesty International campaigns to free all prisoners of conscience; ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners; abolish the death penalty, torture and other cruel treatment of prisoners; end political killings and "disappearances"; and oppose human rights abuses by opposition groups.
    Amnesty International has supporters in 162 countries and territories. Activities range from public demonstrations to letter-writing, from human rights education to fundraising concerts, from individual appeals on a particular case to global campaigns on a particular issue.
    Amnesty International is impartial and independent of any government, political persuasion or religious creed. Amnesty International is financed largely by subscriptions and donations from its worldwide membership.
    Area Coordinator:
    Kathleen Lucas
    140 Roosevelt Avenue Suite 202
    York, PA 17404

    59. Amnesty International
    Translate this page pression de l'opinion publique pour faire respecter les Droits del'Homme. amnesty international est prix nobel de la Paix 1977.
    Amnesty International Amnesty International est prix Nobel de la Paix 1977. Amnesty International s'est donné un "mandat" c'est à dire des buts précis: Ses membres adhèrent à ce mandat et luttent:
    • pour que cessent les assassinats politiques et les disparitions.
    "Amnesty International ne défend pas des opinions mais le droit de les exprimer" Les Comptes d'Amnesty pays avec Au premier janvier 2002, Amnesty France comptait 20224 membres et 234635 donateurs

    60. ISISA Charities Donation Form - Amnesty International
    amnesty international was awarded the nobel Peace Prize in 1977 for its successfuland courageous human rights initiatives. amnesty international, South Africa.
    click on image to donate Amnesty
    International Amnesty International was founded in 1961.
    It is a human rights organization based on worldwide voluntary membership.
    • free all prisoners of conscience. These are people detained for their beliefs or because of their ethnic origin, sex, colour, language, national or social origin, economic status, birth or other status - who have not used or advocated violence; ensure fair and prompt trials for political prisoners; abolish the death penalty, torture and other cruel treatment of prisoners; and end extra-judicial executions and "disappearances".
    Amnesty International also opposes abuses by opposition groups: hostage-taking, torture and killings of prisoners and other deliberate and arbitrary killings. Since its establishment Amnesty International has grown to more than 1.1 million members, subscribers and regular donors. In over 170 countries and territories, members of Amnesty International work to end human rights violations and try to provide practical help to victims of human rights abuses. There are more than 4 000 local Amnesty International groups and several thousand school, university, professional and other groups in over 80 countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. A section of Amnesty International may be established in any country, state or territory. Individuals may join Amnesty International as members of local groups or in their personal capacities.

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