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         Carnap Rudolf:     more books (100)
  1. Introduction to Symbolic Logic and Its Applications by Rudolf Carnap, 1958-06-01
  2. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science by Rudolf Carnap, 1995-01-17
  3. Introduction to Semantics and Formalization of Logic by Rudolf Carnap, 1959-12
  4. Two Essays on Entropy by Rudolf Carnap, Abner Shimony, 1978-02
  5. The Cambridge Companion to Carnap (Cambridge Companions to Philosophy)
  6. The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy (Open Court Classics) by Rudolf Carnap, 2003-08-05
  7. Meaning And Necessity - A Study In Semantics And Modal logic by Rudolf Carnap, 2008-11-04
  8. The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap, Volume 11 (Library of Living Philosophers) by Rudolf Carnap, Paul Arthur Schilpp, 1999-02-16
  9. The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap (Library of Living Philosophers, Vol 11) by Rudolf; Schilpp, Paul A. (Editor) Carnap, 1963
  10. A Parting of the Ways: Carnap, Cassirer, and Heidegger by Michael Friedman, 2000-11-30
  11. INTRODUCTION TO SEMANTICS by Rudolf Carnap, 1948
  12. Logical Syntax of Language by Rudolf Carnap, 2011-01-26
  13. Meaning And Necessity - A Study In Semantics And Modal logic by Rudolf Carnap, 2008-11-04
  14. Dear Carnap, Dear Van: The Quine-Carnap Correspondence and Related Work (Centennial Books) by W. V. Quine, Rudolf Carnap, 1991-04-11

1. WIEM: Carnap Rudolf
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia C......carnap rudolf (18911970), niemiecki filozof i matematyk, dzialajacy glówniew USA, dokad wyemigrowal 1935. Od 1926 wykladal na uniwersytecie napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Filozofia, Matematyka, Niemcy
Carnap Rudolf widok strony
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poka¿ powi±zane Carnap Rudolf (1891-1970), niemiecki filozof i matematyk, dzia³aj±cy g³ównie w USA, dok±d wyemigrowa³ 1935. Od 1926 wyk³ada³ na uniwersytecie w Wiedniu, od 1931 profesor uniwersytetu w Pradze, od 1936 uniwersytetu w Chicago. Wspó³twórca Ko³a Wiedeñskiego i jeden z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli neopozytywizmu Zajmowa³ siê semantyk±, logik± formaln± oraz mo¿liwo¶ciami ich zastosowania do metodologii nauk, filozofii nauki i teorii poznania, a tak¿e podstawami matematyki, teori± prawdopodobieñstwa, logik± indukcji, teori± czasu i przestrzeni. Badaj±c problemy teoriopoznawcze próbowa³ ³±czyæ postawê empiryczn±fenomenalizmem . Zwalcza³ metafizykê , sk³aniaj±c siê ku fizykalizmowi , który mia³ u³atwiæ skonstruowanie wspólnego jêzyka dla wszystkich nauk empirycznych. W USA wspó³kierowa³ pracami nad International Encyclopaedia of Unified Science , zmierzaj±cymi do stworzenia syntezy wiedzy naukowej w skali ¶wiatowej. G³ówne dzie³a: Der logische Aufbau der Welt Logische Syntax der Sprache Introduction to Semantics Meaning and Necessity Logical Foundations of Probability Induktive Logik und Wahrscheinlichkeit (1959). Polski wybór

2. WIEM: Carnap Rudolf
carnap rudolf (18911970), niemiecki filozof i matematyk, dziaajcy gównie w USA, dokd wyemigrowa 1935. Od 1926 wykada na uniwersytecie napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Filozofia, Matematyka, Niemcy
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poka¿ powi±zane Carnap Rudolf (1891-1970), niemiecki filozof i matematyk, dzia³aj±cy g³ównie w USA, dok±d wyemigrowa³ 1935. Od 1926 wyk³ada³ na uniwersytecie w Wiedniu, od 1931 profesor uniwersytetu w Pradze, od 1936 uniwersytetu w Chicago. Wspó³twórca Ko³a Wiedeñskiego i jeden z najwybitniejszych przedstawicieli neopozytywizmu Zajmowa³ siê semantyk±, logik± formaln± oraz mo¿liwo¶ciami ich zastosowania do metodologii nauk, filozofii nauki i teorii poznania, a tak¿e podstawami matematyki, teori± prawdopodobieñstwa, logik± indukcji, teori± czasu i przestrzeni. Badaj±c problemy teoriopoznawcze próbowa³ ³±czyæ postawê empiryczn±fenomenalizmem . Zwalcza³ metafizykê , sk³aniaj±c siê ku fizykalizmowi , który mia³ u³atwiæ skonstruowanie wspólnego jêzyka dla wszystkich nauk empirycznych. W USA wspó³kierowa³ pracami nad International Encyclopaedia of Unified Science , zmierzaj±cymi do stworzenia syntezy wiedzy naukowej w skali ¶wiatowej. G³ówne dzie³a: Der logische Aufbau der Welt Logische Syntax der Sprache Introduction to Semantics Meaning and Necessity Logical Foundations of Probability Induktive Logik und Wahrscheinlichkeit (1959). Polski wybór

3. Carnap Rudolf From FOLDOC
carnap rudolf. history of philosophy, biography germanAmerican philosopher.A leading logical positivist, Carnap (1891-1970) proposed Rudolf

4. Der Logische Aufbau Der Welt Carnap Rudolf
Translate this page Der logische Aufbau der Welt carnap rudolf. Titel Der logische Aufbauder Welt Autor carnap rudolf. Rubrik Philosophie 20. 21.
Der logische Aufbau der Welt Carnap Rudolf
Titel: Der logische Aufbau der Welt
Autor: Carnap Rudolf
Rubrik: Philosophie 20. 21. Jahrhundert Empirismus Logik Wiener Kreis
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5. Logical Syntax Of Language Carnap Rudolf
Logical Syntax of Language carnap rudolf. Title Logical Syntax ofLanguage Author carnap rudolf. Category not available Pugh
Logical Syntax of Language Carnap Rudolf
Title: Logical Syntax of Language
Author: Carnap Rudolf
Category: not available
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6. Xrefer - Search Results - Rudolf Carnap
carnap rudolf 1891 1970. carnap rudolf 1891 1970 Germanborn logical positivistphilosopher. A founder of the Vienna Circle, carnap rudolf 1891 1970. Carnap

7. Texte: Autoren C > Carnap Rudolf
Translate this page carnap rudolf. 1891 - 1970. Leben / Werk. Werk. Beschreibung. Gebiet, Fremdlink.Die Überwindung der Metaphysik carnap rudolf, Philosophie, Mauthner-Ges.
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Carnap Rudolf Leben / Werk
Werk Beschreibung Gebiet Fremdlink
Carnap Rudolf Philosophie Mauthner-Ges. Erinnerungen an Rudolf Carnap Zeisel Hans Philosophie Mauthner-Ges. Alte und neue Logik Lebensdaten Noch keine Angaben

8. Carnap Rudolf - Wprowadzenie Do Filozofii Nauki -
carnap rudolf,Wprowadzenie do filozofii nauki,Carnap,Rudolf,Wprowadzenie,do,filozofii,nauki,ALETHEIAKsiegarnia wysylkowa jedna z najwiekszych ksiegarni

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Wprowadzenie do filozofii nauki
Carnap Rudolf Wyd. ALETHEIA Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Cena: Cena promocyjna( Rok wydania: Oprawa: Miêkka Format: Jêzyk: polski Ilo¶æ stron: ISBN: Tytu³ orygina³u: Philosophical Foundation of Physics T³umacz: Artur Koterski Niniejsze wprowadzenie jest bodaj¿e najlepiej napisan± ksi±¿k± Rudolfa Carnapa. Doskonale spe³nia swoje zadania: skomplikowan± problematykê metodologiczn±, przedstawia w sposób przystêpny i zarazem dog³êbny.Zachêca z jednej strony studenta filozofii, by zapozna³ siê z tematyk± filozofii nauki, z drugiej za¶, adeptowi nauk ¶cis³ych obiecuje rzetelne filozoficzne omówienie zagadnieñ znanych mu z codziennych wyk³adów. Powiadom znajomego Ustaw jako stronê startow± Dodaj do ulubionych ...

9. Rudolf Carnap Buecher
Translate this page Rudolf Carnap Buecher. Info1 Info2 carnap rudolfMein Weg in die Philosophie. (Lernmaterialien).
Rudolf Carnap Buecher
Carnap Rudolf
Mein Weg in die Philosophie. (Lernmaterialien)

10. MainFrame: Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Carnap. Overview The life and works of Rudolf Carnap. The Lifeof Rudolf Carnap. The Life of Rudolf carnap rudolf Carnap was
Rudolf Carnap
The life and works of Rudolf Carnap. The Life of Rudolf Carnap Rudolf Carnap was a leading member of the Vienna Circle and proponent of the philosophy of Logical Positivism . In 1936 he emigrated to the USA and continued to develop his brand of formally oriented philosophical analysis. The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap A survey of the philosophy of Rudolf Carnap using his own breakdown into ten problem areas. A Factasia Carnap Critique A critique of Carnap's philosophy, positioning Factasia relative to that philosophy (to appear). Carnap's Syntactical Method A synopsis of lectures given by Carnap in London, 1935, on his Method of Logical Syntax Carnap Omniography Some bibliographic information and links to bookshops and other online resources about Carnap.
The Life of Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Carnap was a leading member of the Vienna Circle and proponent of the philosophy of Logical Positivism. In 1936 he emigrated to the USA and continued to develop his brand of formally oriented philosophical analysis. Student Years Carnap heads for the Philosophy of Science under the influence of Kant and Frege.

11. Carnap Rudolf Der Logische Aufbau Der Welt
Translate this page carnap rudolf Der logische Aufbau der Welt. Titel Der logische Aufbauder Welt Autor carnap rudolf. Rubrik1 Philosophie, 20., 21.
Carnap Rudolf Der logische Aufbau der Welt
Titel: Der logische Aufbau der Welt
Autor: Carnap Rudolf
Rubrik1: Philosophie, 20., 21. Jahrhundert, Empirismus, Logik, Wiener Kreis
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12. Rudolf Carnap - Wikipedia
Rudolf Carnap. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The autobiographical ThePhilosophy of Rudolf Carnap, editor PA Schlipp was published in 1963.
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Rudolf Carnap
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rudolf Carnap May 18 September 14 ) was a German philosopher He was born in Ronsdorf and educated at the Gymnasium of Barmen and the University of Freiburg. At university he studied physics, mathematics and, under Bruno Bauch, philosophy. Initially Carnap's main interest was physics but his intended studies were halted by WW I , during which Carnap served. Post-war Carnap returned to his studies, writing his dissertation, Der Raum , on the theory of space and time under Bauch. Following the acceptance of his thesis in 1922 Carnap continued to work on issues in physics from a philosophical perspective as a logical positivist He moved to Vienna in 1926 to take up an academic post at the University of Vienna and became involved in the Vienna Circle (meeting attendees included Wittgenstein, Popper, Hahn, Gödel and Neurath). In 1928 Carnap published

13. Philosophers: Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Carnap. German Philosopher. 18911970. After earning a doctoratefrom the University of Jena, he taught at the University of
Rudolf Carnap
German Philosopher
After earning a doctorate from the University of Jena, he taught at the University of Vienna (192631) and became a leader of the Vienna Circle of logical positivists. Emigrating to the U.S.A. in 1935 to escape Nazism, he held posts at the University of Chicago (193652), the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton (195254), and the University of California (from 1955). A pioneer in the rigorous analytic tradition, he wrote such works as The Logical Syntax of Language (translated 1937), Meaning and Necessity (1947), and Logical Foundations of Probability (1950). Index Interactive Search Links ... Feedback

14. Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Carnap. Carnap, Rudolf (18911970), prominent figure in the philosophicalmovement known as logical positivism or logical empiricism (see Positivism).
Rudolf Carnap
Carnap, Rudolf (1891-1970), prominent figure in the philosophical movement known as logical positivism or logical empiricism (see Positivism). C arnap was born on May 18, 1891, in Ronsdorf, Germany. Educated at the universities of Jena and Freiburg, he specialized in mathematics, physics, and philosophy. He particularly acknowledged the influence of the German mathematician Gottlob Frege in mathematics and the British philosophers Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein in philosophy. Carnap became a leading member of the Vienna Circle, a group of positivist scientists and philosophers. In 1935 he went to the United States to escape Nazism and joined the faculty of the University of Chicago. In 1954 he accepted a position at the University of California, Los Angeles. He died in Santa Monica, California, on September 14, 1970. Carnap interpreted philosophy as logical analysis. He was primarily concerned with the analysis of the language of science, because he judged the empirical statements of science to be the only factually meaningful ones. His early effort in The Logical Structure of the World (1928; trans. 1967) to reduce all knowledge claims to the language of sense data, his developing preference for language that described behavior (physicalistic language), his work on the syntax of scientific language in The Logical Syntax of Language (1934; trans. 1937), and his various treatments of the verifiability, testability, or confirmability of empirical statements are testimonies to his belief that the problems of philosophy are reducible to the problems of language.

15. Untersuchungen Zur Allgemeinen Axiomatik Carnap Rudolf
Translate this page Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik carnap rudolf. Rubrik Titel Untersuchungenzur allgemeinen Axiomatik Autor carnap rudolf. Kategorie
Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik Carnap Rudolf
Titel: Untersuchungen zur allgemeinen Axiomatik
Autor: Carnap Rudolf
Rosenthal Frank Leistungserbr...

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16. Rudolf Carnap
RUDOLF CARNAP. GertJan C. Lokhorst. 1999. GJC Lokhorst. Rudolf Carnap. In J. deMul, ed., Eric Claus Twenty-one Twentieth-Century Philosophers in Bronze, p. 60.

17. Rudolf Carnap
RUDOLF CARNAP. GertJan C. Lokhorst. 1999. Rudolf Carnap. In J. de Mul, ed.,Eric Claus Eenentwintig filosofen van de twintigste eeuw verbeeld, p. 60.

18. Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Carnap Philosophy and Logical Syntax (1935). Chap. The Rejectionof Metaphysics . 1.Verifiability The problems of philosophy
Rudolf Carnap:
Philosophy and Logical Syntax (1935)
Chap. "The Rejection of Metaphysics"
1.Verifiability The problems of philosophy as usually dealt with are of very different kinds. From the point of view which I am here taking we may distinguish mainly three kinds of problems and doctrines in traditional philosophy. For the sake of simplicity we shall call these parts Metaphysics -Psychology, and Logic. Or, rather, there are not three distinct regions, but three sorts of components which in most theses and questions are combined: a metaphysical, a psychological, and a logical component. The considerations that follow belong to the third region: we are here carrying out Logical Analysis. The function of logical analysis is to analyse all knowledge, all assertions of science and of everyday life, in order to make clear the sense of each such assertion and the connections between them. One of the principal tasks of the logical analysis of a given proposition is to find out the method of verification for that proposition. The question is: What reasons can there be to assert this proposition; or: How can we become certain as to its truth or falsehood? This question is called by the philosophers the epistemological question; epistemology or the philosophical theory of knowledge is nothing other than a special part of logical analysis, usually combined with some psychological questions concerning the process of knowing. What, then, is the method of verification of a proposition? Here we have to distinguish between two kinds of verifikation: direct and indirect. If the question is about a proposition which asserts something about a present perception, e.g. "Now I see a red square on a blue ground," then the proposition can be tested directly by my present perception. If at present I do see a red square on a blue ground, the proposition is directly verified by this seeing; if I do not see that, it is disproved. To be sure, there are still some serious problems in connection with direct verification. We will however not touch on them here, but give our attention to the question of indirect verification, which is more important for our purposes. A proposition P which is not directly verifiable can only be verified by direct verification of propositions deduced from P together with other already verified propositions.

19. Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Carnap 1891.05.18. Mûveinek teljes bibliográfiája megtalálható SCHILPP,PA (ed.) The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap, La Salle Open Court, 1963.
Rudolf Carnap
1891.05.18. (Ronsdorf) - 1970.09.14. (Santa Monica, Cal.) " Carnap " a hálón C
"A világ logikai felépítése" "A nyelv logikai szintaxisa" "Jelentés és ellenõrizhetõség" princetoni egyetem Los Angeles-i egyetem. "Jelentés és szükségszerûség" "A valószínûség logikai alapjai"
SCHILPP, P. A. (ed.): The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap , La Salle: Open Court, 1963

20. Rudolf Carnap
Rudolf Carnap (18911970) oli saksa-ameerika filosoof, Viini ringi üks juhtfiguure.Viini ringiks nimetati teadlaste ja filosoofide gruppi, kes 1924.
Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970) oli saksa-ameerika filosoof, Viini ringi üks juhtfiguure. Viini ringiks nimetati teadlaste ja filosoofide gruppi, kes 1924. aastal pani aluse loogilisele positivismile (nimetatakse ka loogiliseks empirismiks). Meenutagem, et positivistlikuks nimetas oma filosoofiat juba prantsuse filosoof Auguste Comte , kuid ilma lisandita 'loogiline'. Loogilist positivismi ühendab veendumus, et filosoofia ei pea olema mitte õpetus maailmast, vaid tegevus - teaduse keele (mõistete ja väidete) loogiline analüüs. Sellise analüüsi eesmärgiks on vabastada teadus metafüüsikast, st kõigist mõistetest ja väidetest, mida ei saa kuidagi seostada meelteandmetega. Metafüüsika on olnud püüdlus saada teadmisi maailma kohta ilma kogemusele tuginemata. Selline halvustav suhtumine metafüüsikasse oli iseloomulik juba shoti filosoof David Hume 'ile, kes kirjutas: “Võtame näiteks mingi raamatu teoloogiast või metafüüsikast ning küsime: kas see sisaldab abstraktset arutlust hulga või arvu kohta? Ei. Kas see sisaldab mingit kogemusele tuginevat arutlust faktide või olemasolu kohta? Ei. Siis visake ta tulle, sest selles ei saa olla midagi peale sofistika ja eksimuste!” Analoogne oli "Viini ringi" veendumus: kõik väited, mis pretendeerivad teadmisele maailma kohta, peavad olema empiiriliselt (st kogemusele tuginedes) kontrollitavad. Selline koktrollitavuse nõue tähendab, et iga teaduslikku väidet peab saama faktide abil verifitseerida (ld

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