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         Eliade Mircea:     more books (100)
  1. The Sacred and The Profane: The Nature of Religion by Mircea Eliade, 1987-10-23
  2. History of Religious Ideas, Volume 2: From Gautama Buddha to the Triumph of Christianity by Mircea Eliade, 1985-01-15
  3. Rites and Symbols of Initiation: The Mysteries of Birth and Rebirth by Mircea Eliade, 2009-07-22
  4. The Forbidden Forest by Mircea Eliade, 1978-05
  5. The Myth of the Eternal Return: Or, Cosmos and History (Bollingen Series, XLVI) by Mircea Eliade, 1974
  6. Bengal Nights: A Novel by Mircea Eliade, 1995-04-01
  7. The Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History (Bollingen Series; Mythos Series) by Mircea Eliade, 2005-04-18
  8. Yoga: Immortality and Freedom (Mythos: the Princeton/Bollingen Series in World Mythology) by Mircea Eliade, 2009-07-06
  9. Hermeneutics, Politics, and the History of Religions: The Contested Legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade by Christian Wedemeyer, Wendy Doniger, 2010-03-08
  10. Patterns in Comparative Religion by Mircea Eliade, 1996-09-28
  11. The Eliade Guide to World Religions by Mircea Eliade, Ioan P. Culianu, et all 1991-12
  12. Essential Sacred Writings From Around the World by Mircea Eliade, 1991-12-20
  13. Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy (Bollingen Series) by Mircea Eliade, 2004-01-19
  14. Occultism, Witchcraft, and Cultural Fashions: Essays in Comparative Religions by Mircea Eliade, 1978-03-15

1. Mircea Eliade: From Primitives To Zen
Choose another writer in this calendar Mircea Eliade (19071986) Romanian-born historian of religion and fiction writer, one of the preeminent interpreters of world religion in this century. such as those of China, Mesopotamia and Egypt." (from Images and Symbols, 1952). Mircea Eliade was born in Bucharest.
"From Primitives to Zen is of vital help and importance in confronting and understanding the religous lives of ancient and non-Western people.."
A Hypertext Conversion of
The Great Reference Work Compiled By
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2. IAHR Symposium On Eliade: Mircea Itu
honorable). Title of the Ph.D. thesis L'indianisme de Mircea Eliade(Mircea Eliade's Indology), under the guidance of Prof. Jean
Mircea Itu
"Mircea Eliade and the Metaphysics of the Upanishads" Abstract Curriculum Vitae
Abstract Eliade affirms the major ideas of the Upanishads: contemplation, renunciation, sacrifice, meditation, illumination, knowledge of the soul, integration into the supreme consciousness, the nature of God, wisdom, redemption etc. He considers that the best example when discussing the metaphysics of the Upanishads is the Katha Upanishad. The central message of this text, found in the dialogue between Yama and Naciketas, is considered here. It is argued that, contrary to what the Romanian states in these studies, the "way to God" in Hinduism is not through revelation, any more than it is in Buddhism, but through direct intuition, unlike Christianity or Islam. Eliade's opinion that revelation is determined by karma (action) is also attacked. God is the source of revelation, karma, being in connection with the phenomenal world, while intuition springs from the human soul. Another aspect of this paper is to criticize the Romanian historian of religions' claim that mysticism has nothing to do with the Upanishadic texts. These texts are the very heart of Hindu mysticism and religion, because they insist on the unity between God and the human soul (Brahman=atman). The commentary also considers the idea of non-attachment and concludes that it is confused with the concept of indifference. Mircea Eliade seems to have believed that the metaphysics of the Upanishads represents more than a religious reform, that is to say, a change in the concept of God. The paper further considers the relation between duality and unity in the vision of Hindu religion. Certain conclusions are drawn from some notes written in Romanian language by young Mircea Eliade in Calcutta in 1929. They concern our subject and indicate that the Romanian historian of religions was interested in the teachings of the Upanishads and their main ideas.

3. WIEM: Eliade Mircea
eliade mircea (19071986), rumuski religionawca, filozof, badacz kultury, pisarz. Studiowa na uniwersytetach w Bukareszcie (1925-1928 napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Religioznawstwo, Filozofia, Socjologia, Literatura, Rumunia
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Eliade Mircea (1907-1986), rumuñski religionawca, filozof, badacz kultury, pisarz. Studiowa³ na uniwersytetach w Bukareszcie (1925-1928) i w Kalkucie (1928-1932) - podczas pobytu w Indiach pó³ roku spêdzi³ w a¶ramie. Profesor uniwersytetu w Bukareszcie (od 1933), wyk³ada³ te¿ na wielu uczelniach europejskich. Wydawca czasopisma Zalmoxis. Revue des Études Religieuses (1938-1942). By³ rumuñskim attaché kulturalnym w Londynie (1940-1944). Po II wojnie ¶wiatowej najpierw na emigracji we Francji (1945-1955), gdzie nawi±za³ wspó³pracê z G. Dumézilem i wyk³ada³ w École Pratqiue des Hautes Études (od 1946). Pó¼niej zamieszka³ w USA (od 1956). Profesor uniwersytetu w Chicago (od 1957). ¬ród³a inspiracji stanowi³y dlañ teoria archetypów ( archetyp C.G. Junga oraz religioznawcze pogl±dy K.L.R. Otta N. Söderbloma i G. van der Leeuva. Zak³ada³, ¿e cz³owiek jest istot± z natury religijn± (homo religiosus), co objawia siê w istnieniu sacrum , stanowi±cego podstawê wszelkich zjawisk religijnych. Stosowa³ w swoich badaniach zarówno metody fenomenologiczne, jak i historyczno-porównawcze.

4. Mircea Eliade
Mircea Eliade was born in Bucharest. At school he was interestedin biology and chemistry, and he had his own small laboratory.
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Mircea Eliade (1907-1986) "In archaic and traditional societies, the surrounding world is conceived as a microcosms. At the limits of this closed world begins the domain of the unknown, of the formless. On this side there is ordered - because of inhabited and organized - space; on the other, outside this familiar space, there is the unknown and dangerous region of the demons, the ghosts, and the dead and foreigners - in a world, chaos or death or night. This image of an inhabited microcosm, surrounded by desert regions as a chaos or a kingdom of the dead, has survived even in highly evolved civilizations such as those of China, Mesopotamia and Egypt." (from Images and Symbols Mircea Eliade was born in Bucharest. At school he was interested in biology and chemistry, and he had his own small laboratory. He read much, and increased this time reading books by sleeping only five-six hours. While collecting material in Italy for his study on Renaissance philosophers he read Surendranath Dasgupta's work A History of Indian Philosophy which impressed him deeply. After graduating in philosophy at Bucharest in 1928 he studied in India at the University of Calcutta, under Surendranath Dasgupta (1885-1952). During this period he also wrote the erotic novel ISABEL SI APELE DIAVOLULUI (1930). He fell in love with Dasgupta's daughter, which did not make his teacher happy. Eliade went to the Himalayas and meditated. These experiences he depicted in the novel MAITREYI (1933), which became a success. After military service Eliade took his doctorate in 1933 with the thesis THE COMPARATIVE HISTORY OF YOGA TECHNIGUES. In the same year Eliade was appointed associate professor in the faculty of letters at Bucharest University. In 1934 he married Nina Mares, who died of cancer in 1944. After publishing DOMNISOARA CHRISTINA (1936) Eliade was accused of pornography and he was dismissed from his office for a short time. The protagonist in the novel, based on Rumanian folk stories, was a

5. WIEM: Eliade Mircea
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia E......eliade mircea (19071986), rumunski religionawca, filozof, badacz kultury,pisarz. Studiowal na uniwersytetach w Bukareszcie (1925-1928 napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Religioznawstwo, Filozofia, Socjologia, Literatura, Rumunia
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poka¿ powi±zane
Eliade Mircea (1907-1986), rumuñski religionawca, filozof, badacz kultury, pisarz. Studiowa³ na uniwersytetach w Bukareszcie (1925-1928) i w Kalkucie (1928-1932) - podczas pobytu w Indiach pó³ roku spêdzi³ w a¶ramie. Profesor uniwersytetu w Bukareszcie (od 1933), wyk³ada³ te¿ na wielu uczelniach europejskich. Wydawca czasopisma Zalmoxis. Revue des Études Religieuses (1938-1942). By³ rumuñskim attaché kulturalnym w Londynie (1940-1944). Po II wojnie ¶wiatowej najpierw na emigracji we Francji (1945-1955), gdzie nawi±za³ wspó³pracê z G. Dumézilem i wyk³ada³ w École Pratqiue des Hautes Études (od 1946). Pó¼niej zamieszka³ w USA (od 1956). Profesor uniwersytetu w Chicago (od 1957). ¬ród³a inspiracji stanowi³y dlañ teoria archetypów ( archetyp C.G. Junga oraz religioznawcze pogl±dy K.L.R. Otta N. Söderbloma i G. van der Leeuva. Zak³ada³, ¿e cz³owiek jest istot± z natury religijn± (homo religiosus), co objawia siê w istnieniu sacrum , stanowi±cego podstawê wszelkich zjawisk religijnych. Stosowa³ w swoich badaniach zarówno metody fenomenologiczne, jak i historyczno-porównawcze.

6. Mircea Eliade
eliade mircea. Dublin M. Futurehype. 1992 (2602)
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7. Mythologie-Sommaire
On ne devient homme v©ritable qu'en se conformant   l'enseignement des mythes, en imitant les dieux. eliade mircea, le Sacr© et le profane. Les mythes dans l'antiquit© gr©colatine en musique dans le Jardin des Muses.
Mythologie Ta tvn qewn oikhmata

des mythes, en imitant les dieux.
Eliade Mircea,

Aspects du mythe

Mythologie chez les Grecs

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Les mythes de la Lune
Domenico Fasciano
Poésie mythologique
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8. The Sacred And The Profane : The Nature Of Religion Eliade Mircea Trask Willard
The Sacred and the Profane The Nature of Religion eliade mircea Trask Willard. Authoreliade mircea Trask Willard. Category Religion Spirituality
The Sacred and the Profane : The Nature of Religion Eliade Mircea Trask Willard
Title: The Sacred and the Profane : The Nature of Religion
Author: Eliade Mircea Trask Willard
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Include o imagine si o biografie a scriitorului.Category World Românã Arta Literatura Autori Eliade, Mircea......MIRCEA ELIADE. NICOLAE NITA. S'a nascut la 28 Februarie 1907 in Bucuresti.Studiile primare le face in orasul natal; secundare in
S'a nascut la 28 Februarie 1907 in Bucuresti. Studiile primare le face in orasul natal; secundare in cadrul liceului "Spiru Haret"; superioare in cadrul Universitatii Bucuresti, unde studiaza filosofia, si Calcutta (India), intre Decembrie 1928 si Decembrie 1931, unde ia cursuri dela renumitii filozofi Rabindranath Tagore si Surendranata Dasgupta despre istoria religiilor si a filozofiei indiene.
Si-a facut debutul literar cu povestirea fantastica "Cum am descoperit piatra filosofului", publicata la varsta de 14 ani in "Ziarul Stiintelor Populare" din Bucuresti, lucrare premiata de comitetul de conducere al ziarului. La varsta de 16 ani, incepe sa publice nuvele si esseuri literare la diferite reviste, iar dela 17 ani ancepe sa scrie articole in care trateaza istoria religiilor si cultura Orientului in cadrul revistei "Vlastarul" (revista liceului "Spiru Haret). Student la filosofie, isi incepe colaborarea la "Revista Universitara" in Ianuarie 1926 (Anul I, Nr. 1), in paginile careia desfasoara o acida polemica impotriva lui Nicolae Iorga, polemica bazata pe argumente irefutabile privind anumite lucrari ale istoricului, continuata in paginile ziarului "Cuvantul" (Director: Nae Ionescu) de-a lungul urmatorilor ani.
Preocupat masiv de cultura italiana intre 1927/1928, pleaca pentru scurt timp in Italia in studiu de cercetare, publicand la finele studiilor universitare o teza ampla privind Filosofia Renasterii. Dupa revenirea sa la Bucuresti dela studiile efectuate in India, Mircea Eliade se pregateste pentru sustinerea doctoratului in filosofie cu o lucrare

10. Eliade Mircea - ¿yciorys
Mircea Eliade urodzil sie 9 marca 1907 roku w Bukareszcie jakodrugi syn kapitana Gheorghe Eliadego i Joany Stoenesco. W roku
Mircea Eliade urodzi³ siê 9 marca 1907 roku w Bukareszcie jako drugi syn kapitana Gheorghe Eliadego i Joany Stoenesco.
W roku 1921 publikuje swój pierwszy artyku³ Jak odkry³em kamieñ filozoficzny w "Ziarul Stiintelor Populare". Wspó³pracuje z licznymi czasopismami ("Ziarul Stiintelor Populare", "Orizontul", "Foaia Tinermii", "Lumea", "Universul Literar"). Pisze artyku³y popularnonaukowe o entomologii, historii alchemii, orientalistyce, historii religii oraz reporta¿e z podró¿y po Karpatach i Dunaju, a tak¿e nowele i eseje krytyczne. Uczy siê w³oskiego, angielskiego i hebrajskiego. W latach 1924-1925 pisze powie¶æ autobiograficzn± Romanul adolescentului miop . W pa¼dzierniku 1925 roku zak³ada pismo "Revista Universitara", zamkniête po opublikowaniu krytycznej recenzji o Eseju o historii powszechnej N. Iorgi.
W 1928 roku koñczy studia filozoficzne na uniwersytecie bukaresztañskim; w tym samym roku wyje¿d¿a do Indii, gdzie przebywa do 1932 roku. Doktoryzuje siê na podstawie pracy Historia porównawcza techniki jogi w 1933 roku; w tym samym roku otrzyma³ tytu³ profesora na uniwersytecie w Bukareszcie; w tym¿e roku bierze udzia³ w konkursie na najlepsz± powie¶æ: Maitrei Eliadego otrzymuje g³ówn± nagrodê. W listopadzie 1934 roku zaczyna wyk³ady pt.

11. Eliade Mircea - Bibliografia
Translate this page BIBLIOGRAFIA WYBRANYCH PRAC MIRCEI ELIADEGO Soliloquii, 1932 Intr'o manastire dinHimalaya, 1932 The comparative history of yoga techniques, 1933 (doktorat
Intr'o manastire din Himalaya
The comparative history of yoga techniques
, 1933 (doktorat)
Lumina ce se stinge
Alchimia asiatica
Yoga: essai suir les origines de la mystique indienne
Cosmologie si alchimie babiloniana
Fragmentarium Mitul reintegrarii Salazar si revolutia portugalia Comentarii la legenda mesterului Manole Insula lui euthanasius Techniques du yoga Le mythe de l'éternel retour Images et symboles Forgerons et alchimistes Das Heilige und das Profane Naissances mystiques Patanjali et la yoga Aspects du mythe Amintiri: I mansarda Kosmos und geschichte From primitives to zen Shamanism The quest Zalmoxis, the Vanishing God Australian religions Fragments d'un journal I, 1945-1969 Occultism, witchcraft and cultural fashions Histoire des croyances et des idées religieuses
, 1976 (vol. 1) Histoire des croyances et des idées religieuses , 1978 (vol. 2) A history of religious ideas I-III (1976, 1978, 1983) Les promesses de l'equinoxe. Mémoire I, (1907-1937) Fragments d'un journal II, 1970-1978

12. Eliade Mircea Der Besessene Bibliothekar Roman
Translate this page eliade mircea Der besessene Bibliothekar Roman. Der besessene Bibliothekar.Roman. eliade mircea. Belletristik Romane Erzählungen
Eliade Mircea Der besessene Bibliothekar Roman
Der besessene Bibliothekar. Roman.
Eliade Mircea
Belletristik Romane Erzählungen Rumänische Literatur Romane Erzählungen
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13. Eliade Mircea - Mit Wiecznego Powrotu -
eliade mircea,Mit wiecznego powrotu,Eliade,Mircea,Mit,wiecznego,powrotu,KR Ksiegarniawysylkowa jedna z najwiekszych ksiegarni w Polsce - podreczniki

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Eliade Mircea Wyd. KR Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Cena: Cena promocyjna( Rok wydania: Oprawa: Miêkka Format: Jêzyk: polski Ilo¶æ stron: ISBN: Tytu³ orygina³u: LE MYTHE DE LETERNEL RETOUR. ARCHETYPES ET REPETITION T³umacz: Krzysztof Kocjan Przedmiotem tej ksi±¿ki bêdzie analiza pewnych aspektów archaicznej ontologii, a ¶ci¶lej - koncepcji bytu i rzeczywisto¶ci, jakie mo¿na odczytaæ z zachowania cz³owieka nale¿±cego do spo³eczeñstw przednowo¿ytnych... Osoby zainteresowane t± ksi±¿k± ogl±da³y tak¿e: Sacrum i profanum Autor: Mircea Eliade Wyd. KR Cena: Cena promocyjna( Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Mefistofeles i Androgyn Autor: Eliade Mircea Wyd. KR Cena: Cena promocyjna( Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Dziennik indyjski Autor: Eliade Mircea Wyd. KR Cena: Cena promocyjna( Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Dziennik indyjski Autor: Eliade Mircea Wyd.

14. Eliade Mircea - Mit Wiecznego Powrotu -
eliade mircea,mit wiecznego powrotu,Eliade,Mircea,mit,wiecznego,powrotu,Akademia,Klon,Spólka,z,ooKsiegarnia wysylkowa jedna z najwiekszych ksiegarni w

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Eliade Mircea Wyd. KR Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Cena: Cena promocyjna( Rok wydania: Oprawa: Miêkka Format: Jêzyk: polski Ilo¶æ stron: ISBN: Tytu³ orygina³u: LE MYTHE DE LETERNEL RETOUR. ARCHETYPES ET REPETITION T³umacz: Krzysztof Kocjan Przedmiotem tej ksi±¿ki bêdzie analiza pewnych aspektów archaicznej ontologii, a ¶ci¶lej - koncepcji bytu i rzeczywisto¶ci, jakie mo¿na odczytaæ z zachowania cz³owieka nale¿±cego do spo³eczeñstw przednowo¿ytnych... Osoby zainteresowane t± ksi±¿k± ogl±da³y tak¿e: Mit, sny i misteria Autor: Eliade Mircea Wyd. KR Cena: Cena promocyjna( Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Przyczynki do filozofii Renesansu Wêdrówki w³oskie Autor: Eliade Mircea Wyd. KR Cena: Cena promocyjna( Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Mefistofeles i Androgyn Autor: Eliade Mircea Wyd. KR Cena: Cena promocyjna( Powiadom znajomego o ksi±¿ce Szamanizm i archaiczne techniki ekstazy Autor: Eliade Mircea Wyd.

15. Contributions à La Philosophie De La Renaissance Eliade Mircea
Translate this page Contributions à la philosophie de la Renaissance eliade mircea. Auteureliade mircea. Titre Contributions à la philosophie de la Renaissance.
Contributions à la philosophie de la Renaissance Eliade Mircea
Auteur: Eliade Mircea
Titre: Contributions à la philosophie de la Renaissance
Rubriques: Poche
Rubriques 2: Romans contemporains Philosophie de la Renaissance Italie - Descriptions et voyages
Rubriques 3: Littérature
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Mircea Eliade (19071986). Mircea Eliade was a Sewell L. Avery Distinguished ServiceProfessor of the History of Religions at the university of Chicago.
Mircea Eliade (1907-1986)
Born March 9, 1907 in Bucharest, Romania. He received his M.A. in philosophy from the University of Bucharest in 1928. He then studied Sanskrit and Indian philosophy at the University of Calcutta and lived for six months in the ashram (hermitage) of Rishikesh, Himalaya. It was in this time that his view began to evolve concerning the meaning of language, symbolism and systems employed by various religious traditions. It is his attempt to resolve and incorporate this view of meaning and symbolism within underlying primordial myths that provide the basis for mystical phenomena. He invented the term 'hierophanies' (i.e. manifestations of the sacred world) which applied to all religious experience in traditional and contemporary societies and signified them as credible phenomena. In 1931 he returned to Romania, completing his Ph.D. in 1933 with the dissertation Yoga: Esai sur les origines de la mystique indienne ("Yoga: Essays of the origin of Indian Mysticism") and was name assistant professor at Bucharest, where he taught the history of religions and Indian philosophy (1933 1939). After World War II, he went to Paris as a visiting professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes of the Sorbonne . In 1956 he became professor of the history of religions at the University of Chicago , where he remained.

17. Geschichte Der Religiösen Ideen Eliade Mircea
Translate this page Geschichte der religiösen Ideen eliade mircea. Titel Geschichteder religiösen Ideen. Autor eliade mircea. Rubrik Religion
Geschichte der religiösen Ideen Eliade Mircea
Titel: Geschichte der religiösen Ideen.
Autor: Eliade Mircea
Rubrik: Religion Theologie Allgemeines Lexika Religionsgeschichte
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18. Indisches Tagebuch Reise Durch Einen Mystischen Kontinent Eliade Mircea
Translate this page Indisches Tagebuch Reise durch einen mystischen Kontinent eliade mircea. Titel IndischesTagebuch. Reise durch einen mystischen Kontinent. Autor eliade mircea.
Indisches Tagebuch Reise durch einen mystischen Kontinent Eliade Mircea
Titel: Indisches Tagebuch. Reise durch einen mystischen Kontinent.
Autor: Eliade Mircea
Rubrik: Reiseberichte Asien Indien Historische Forschungsreisen u. Reiseberichte
Niederle Monika Kinderängste ...

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Translate this page Suche nach eliade mircea 4 Titel gefunden Titel 4 angezeigt, stapelnoder bestellen. Eliade, Mircea, Erinnerungen 1907 - 1937. Mircea

20. Zábava.ATLAS.SK
Leopold, Fyzika jako dobrodružství poznání Eis Zdenek, Malá životní klopýtnutíEis Zdenek, Starost a starosti eliade mircea, Dejiny náboženských

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