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         Kant Immanuel:     more books (98)
  1. Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant, 2010-04-16
  2. Fundamental Principles Of The Metaphysic Of Morals by Immanuel Kant, 2009-12-02
  3. The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant, 2006-01-01
  4. The Metaphysical Elements of Ethics by Immanuel Kant, 2010-07-24
  5. Critique of Pure Reason (Penguin Classics) by Immanuel Kant, 2008-01-29
  6. Kant: A Biography by Manfred Kuehn, 2002-08-19
  7. Lectures on Ethics (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant in Translation) by Immanuel Kant, 2001-03-19
  8. Lectures on Metaphysics (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant in Translation) by Immanuel Kant, 2001-10-01
  9. Kant's Critiques: The Critique of Pure Reason, The Critique of Practical Reason, The Critique of Judgement by Immanuel Kant, 2008-03-19
  10. Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals by Immanuel Kant, 2010-05-06
  11. Kant: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Roger Scruton, 2001-12-06
  12. Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone (Torchbooks) by Immanuel Kant, 1960-06-25
  13. Theoretical Philosophy, 1755-1770 (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant in Translation) by Immanuel Kant, 2003-06-02
  14. Opus Postumum (The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Immanuel Kant in Translation) by Immanuel Kant, 1995-02-24

1. Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant (17241804). This man, whom I name with the utmost thankfulness,and respect, was Immanuel Kant; his image stands before me to my delight.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
Kant's most original contribution to philosophy is his "Copernican Revolution," that, as he puts it, it is the representation that makes the object possible rather than the object that makes the representation possible. This introduced the human mind as an active originator of experience rather than just a passive recipient of perception. Something like this now seems obvious: the mind could be a tabula rasa , a "blank tablet," no more than a bathtub full of silicon chips could be a digital computer. Perceptual input must be processed , i.e. recognized , or it would just be noise "less even than a dream" or "nothing to us," as Kant alternatively puts it. But if the mind actively generates perception, this raises the question whether the result has anything to do with the world, or if so, how much. The answer to the question, unusual, ambiguous, or confusing as it would be, made for endless trouble both in Kant's thought and for a posterity trying to figure him out. To the extent that knowledge depends on the structure of the mind and not on the world, knowledge would have no connection to the world and is not even true representation , just a solipsistic or intersubjective fantasy. Kantianism seems threatened with "psychologism," the doctrine that what we know is our own psychology, not external things. Kant did say, consistent with psychologism, that basically we don't know about "things-in-themselves," objects as they exist apart from perception. But at the same time Kant thought he was vindicating both a

2. Island Of Freedom - Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant. 17241804. Immanuel Kant, widely acknowledged to have been oneof the greatest of all philosophers, was born in Königsburg, East Prussia.
Immanuel Kant
The Proceedings of the Friesian School, an electronic journal of philosophy, has an excellent section on the thought of Kant.
The Categorical Imperative In Modern Times

Critique of Pure Reason

Critique of Practical Reason
The Science of Right

Immanuel Kant, widely acknowledged to have been one of the greatest of all philosophers, was born in Königsburg, East Prussia. At the age of 8 he entered the Collegium Fridiricianum, a pietistic Latin school; he remained there for 8 1/2 years and then entered the University of Königsberg in 1740 to study philosophy, mathematics, and physics. In 1756 he was granted a degree and made a lecturer, and in 1770 he became a professor.
Kant's thought was mainly influenced by the rationalism of Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz and Christian Wolff and the empiricism of David Hume. His greatest work, the Critique of Pure Reason (1781), is a synthesis of rationalism and empiricism, both of which in themselves, he believed, gave a one-sided view of knowledge. To understand this Critique one needs to understand Kant's logical system. He divides all judgements into a) analytic or synthetic judgements and b)

3. WIEM: Kant Immanuel
( World Polska Leksykon Encyklopedia K......kant immanuel (17241804), filozof niemiecki, od 1770 profesor logiki i metafizykina uniwersytecie w Królewcu. Istote jego podgladów stanowi napisz do nas losuj: has³a multimedia Filozofia, Niemcy
Kant Immanuel widok strony
znajd¼ podobne

poka¿ powi±zane
Kant Immanuel (1724-1804), filozof niemiecki, od 1770 profesor logiki i metafizyki na uniwersytecie w Królewcu. Istotê jego podgl±dów stanowi krytycyzm teoriopoznawczy nazywany te¿ transcendentalizmem, wg którego podmiot jest warunkiem przedmiotu, a pojêcia s± warunkiem do¶wiadczenia. Pytaniem podstawowym w zakresie teorii poznania , jakie postawi³ Kant, brzmia³o: czy poznanie jest mo¿liwe "a prio-ri"- niezale¿ne od do¶wiadczenia, o charakterze analitycznym. Odpowiadaj±c na powy¿sze pytanie twierdz±co wyodrêbni³ trzy gatunki s±dów a priori: 1) matematyczne 2) czysto przyrodoznawcze 3) metafizyczne (np. ¶wiat musi mieæ swój pierwszy pocz±tek). Drug± kategori± s±dów wyodrêbnion± przez Kanta w teorii poznania by³y s±dy empiryczne, czyli zale¿ne od do¶wiadczenia, nazwane s±dami "a posteriori". Krytycyzm poznawczy Kanta uznawa³ jedynie poznawalno¶æ zjawiskowej strony rzeczywisto¶ci, co stanowi³o pewn± formê agnostycyzmu dotycz±cego "rzeczy samych w sobie".

4. Kant Immanuel From FOLDOC
kant immanuel. by Paul Carus (Hackett, 1977); Immanuel Kant, Grounding forthe Metaphysics of Morals, tr. by James W. Ellington (Hackett, 1993). Immanuel

5. Philosophers : Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant. German Philosopher. 17241804. One of the greatest figuresin the history of Metaphysics. After 1755 he taught at the Univ.
Immanuel Kant
German Philosopher
See Also:

6. Träume Eines Geistersehers Der Unterschied Der Gegenden Im Raume Unter Verwendu
Translate this page Träume eines Geistersehers Der Unterschied der Gegenden im Raume Unter Verwendungdes Textes von Karl Vorländer kant immanuel. Autor kant immanuel.
Träume eines Geistersehers Der Unterschied der Gegenden im Raume Unter Verwendung des Textes von Karl Vorländer Kant Immanuel
Titel: Träume eines Geistersehers. Der Unterschied der Gegenden im Raume. Unter Verwendung des Textes von Karl Vorländer
Autor: Kant Immanuel
Rubrik: Philosophie Renaissance und Aufklärung Geist (Dämon) Traum - Traumdeutung
Kategorie: Ratgeber
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Newton Isaac Mathematische Gr...

7. Geographische Und Andere Naturwissenschaftliche Schriften Kant Immanuel
Translate this page Geographische und andere naturwissenschaftliche Schriften kant immanuel. Titel Geographischeund andere naturwissenschaftliche Schriften. Autor kant immanuel.
Geographische und andere naturwissenschaftliche Schriften Kant Immanuel
Titel: Geographische und andere naturwissenschaftliche Schriften.
Autor: Kant Immanuel
Rubrik: Philosophie Deutscher Idealismus 19. Jh. Geografie Naturwissenschaften
Hösle Vittorio Hegels System....

Hegel Georg Wilhelm Frie Vorl...

Hegel Georg Wilhelm Frie Vorl...

Hegel Georg Wilhelm Frie Vorl...

8. Immanuel Kant
Immanuel Kant. The KANT Group members download ftp Immanuel Kant (17241804)was one of the greatest philosophers of all time. His comprehensive
Immanuel Kant
The KANT Group: [members] [publications] [database] ... main features ] [doc] [acknowledgement] [examples] [download] ... [ftp] Kritik der reinen Vernunft (1781), a treatise about metaphysics; and the Kritik der praktischen Vernunft (1788), the standard source for his ethical doctrines. In 1793 Kant became involved with the Prussian authorities on the right to express religious opinions. Last modified: 2003-03-06 18:36

9. Grundlegung Zur Metaphysik Der Sitten Kant Immanuel
Translate this page Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten kant immanuel. Titel Grundlegungzur Metaphysik der Sitten. Autor kant immanuel. Rubrik Philosophie
Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten Kant Immanuel
Titel: Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten.
Autor: Kant Immanuel
Rubrik: Philosophie Renaissance und Aufklärung Metaphysik Sitte
Beyrau Dietrich Schlachtfeld ...

Demandt Alexander Ungeschehen...

ZurMühlen Karl-Heinz Reformat...

Gelfert Hans-Dieter Was ist K...

10. Was Ist Aufklärung? Aufsätze Zur Geschichte Und Philosophie Kant Immanuel
Translate this page Was ist Aufklärung? Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Philosophie kant immanuel. Aufsätzezur Geschichte und Philosophie. Autor kant immanuel.
Was ist Aufklärung? Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Philosophie Kant Immanuel
Titel: Was ist Aufklärung? Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Philosophie.
Autor: Kant Immanuel
Rubrik: Geschichte Neuzeit Aufklärung (allgem.) Aufklärung (Epoche)
Augsburg II. (Bd. V)...

Augsburg III. (Bd. XXII)...

Augsburg IV. (Bd. XXIII)...

Augsburg V. (Bd. XXV)...

11. Waldapfel János: Kant Immanuel és A Pythagorasi Számok
kant immanuel és a pythagorasi számok. feladat, 1. Immanuel Kant német filozófusnevét két csillagászati hipotézis kapcsán is szoktuk emlegetni.
rovatok j¡t©k arch­vum jegyzetek mutat³k ... inform¡ci³k
megcsapottak nyomot hagy³k huhog³k h­dverők mesterkurzus ... a rovat tartalomjegyz©ke kulcsszavak matematika, pitagoraszi sz¡mh¡rmasok, pitagorasz-t©tel A szerk. W ALDAPFEL J NOS Kant Immanuel ©s a pythagorasi sz¡mok Egy f©lre©rt©sből t¡madt mathematikai per
Immanuel Kant A kik a gymnasium legfelsőbb oszt¡lyaiba j¡rnak, okvetetlen¼l hallottak m¡r a k¶nigsbergi b¶lcsről, ki hatalmas szelleme b©lyeg©t r¡nyomta a legºjabb kor eg©sz tud¡s¡ra, hit©re ©s cselekv©s©re. De tal¡n nem mindenki tudja k¶z¼l¶k, hogy az ºjkor e legnagyobb elm©lkedője, a lelkiismeretess©g ©s k¶teless©gtud¡s leg©lesebb elm©jű sz³sz³l³ja, eleinte hosszº ideig legink¡bb mathematik¡val foglalkozott, a mathematika professzora is akart lenni, ©s eg©sz hosszº, ¶r¶k©rt©kű ©let©n ¡t mindv©gig megtartotta a mathematika ir¡nt val³ ©l©nk ©rdeklőd©s©t. E nagy f©rfiº ©let©ből akarok ezºttal egy mathematik¡ra vonatkoz³ ©rdekes kis episodot elbesz©lni, melyből egyebek k¶z¶tt azt az ©rdekes tanuls¡got vonhatjuk le, hogy mihelyt mathematikus dologr³l besz©l¼nk, lehető legpontosabban kell besz©ln¼nk, mert k¼l¶nben k¶nnyen mondunk olyasvalamit, a mi valamely ³vatos mathematikus szomsz©dunknak kih­vja a rendreutas­t³, jogos kritik¡j¡t. Ily kritika ellen a mathematik¡ban nem v©d meg semmi tekint©ly, ©s a mit egyszer ¡ll­t³lag a mi Zsigmond kir¡lyunknak arcz¡ba mondtak: Non est Caesar supra grammaticam, azt m©g nagyobb joggal alkalmazhatjuk a mathematik¡ra: Non est Caesar supra mathematicam, legyen itt ak¡r a szellem birodalm¡nak valamely oly hatalmas uralkod³j¡r³l sz³, minő Kant Immanuel volt.

12. Zum Ewigen Frieden Kant Immanuel
Translate this page Zum ewigen Frieden kant immanuel. Titel Zum ewigen Frieden. Autorkant immanuel. Rubrik Philosophie Renaissance und Aufklärung
Zum ewigen Frieden Kant Immanuel
Titel: Zum ewigen Frieden.
Autor: Kant Immanuel
Rubrik: Philosophie Renaissance und Aufklärung Friede - Frieden Kant Immanuel
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13. Metaphysische Anfangsgründe Der Rechtslehre Kant Immanuel
Translate this page Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre kant immanuel. Titel MetaphysischeAnfangsgründe der Rechtslehre. Autor kant immanuel.
Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre Kant Immanuel
Titel: Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Rechtslehre.
Autor: Kant Immanuel
Rubrik: Philosophie Sonstiges Kant Immanuel Rechtsphilosophie
Schalück Andreas Eine Agentur...

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14. Xrefer - Search Results - Immanuel Kant
kant immanuel 1724 1804. kant immanuel 1724 1804 German philosopher. His Critiqueof Pure Reason(1781),Critique of Practical kant immanuel 1724 1804. Kant

15. Kant Information Online: Philipps University Marburg
Daten zu Leben und Werk immanuel kants, Zugriff auf sonst schwer erreichbare Informationen, umfangreiche Category World Deutsch Philosophie Personen kant, immanuel......Portraitstich von immanuel kant INFO, Links to other kantian sites,kant online in Europe. immanuel kant Information Online copyright,
Links to other Kantian sites Kant online in Europe Frames Version
[last updated: 1998]
Links to other Kantian sites Kant online in Europe Frames Version
[last updated: 1998]
[28. 6. '99 and later]

16. Immanuel Kant At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base
immanuel kant at Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base. Resources include biographies, new and used books by and about kant, commentaries, essays, annotated links and more. Thomas Hobbes. David Hume. immanuel kant. Gottfried Leibniz. John Locke

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... Making a Necessity of Virtue : Aristotle and Kant on Virtue by Nancy Sherman. Ethics of the Real : Kant and Lacan by Alenka Zupancic, Borut Zupancic
Immanuel Kant
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Kant's Earliest Solution to the Mind / Body Problem ...
by Andrew Carpenter
Andrew Carpenter wrote his dissertation, "Kant's Earliest Solution to the Mind/Body Problem", under the direction of Professors Hannah Ginsborg and Daniel Warren at the University of California at Berkeley. You will find excerpts from the dissertation, among other more recent writings at Andrew's Website. Andrew's work on Kant is the first detailed study of Kant's philosophy of mind in Thoughts on the True Estimation of Living Forces (1747). He focuses on four topics: Kant's criticism of the Wolffian notion of

17. Kant On The Web
A selection of external links, etexts on kant, etexts of kant, and original articles and essays.Category Society Philosophy Philosophers kant, immanuel......kant on the Web. Human reason is by nature architectonic. (kant,CPR, p.B502). The map below is your guide to the World Wide Web's
Kant on the Web
"Human reason is by nature architectonic."
(Kant, CPR, p.B502) The map below is your guide to the World Wide Web's most organized and comprehensive listing of resources on Kantthat is, until someone copies it and adds an additional link or two! That, of course, is the nature of the WWW. Just remember: you saw it here first! Indeed, many of the texts and tools listed on these pages first appeared (and still have their primary home) on this web site.
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to this web site, last updated on 4 April 2001. Please come again! Back to the main map of Steve Palmquist's web site

18. Immanuel Kant -- Metaphysics [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy]
immanuel kant (17241804) Metaphysics. immanuel kant is one of the mostinfluential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
Immanuel Kant is one of the most influential philosophers in the history of Western philosophy. His contributions to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics have had a profound impact on almost every philosophical movement that followed him. This portion of the Encyclopedia entry will focus on his metaphysics and epistemology in one of his most important works, The Critique of Pure Reason . (All references will be to the A (1781) and B(1787) edition pages in Werner Pluhar's translation. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1996.) A large part of Kant's work addresses the question "What can we know?" The answer, if it can be stated simply, is that our knowledge is constrained to mathematics and the science of the natural, empirical world. It is impossible, Kant argues, to extend knowledge to the supersensible realm of speculative metaphysics. The reason that knowledge has these constraints, Kant argues, is that the mind plays an active role in constituting the features of experience and limiting the mind's access to the empirical realm of space and time. Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to that part of this article)
Historical Background to Kant In order to understand Kant's position, we must understand the philosophical background that he was reacting to. First, I will present a brief overview of his predecessor's positions with a brief statement of Kant's objections, then I will return to a more detailed exposition of Kant's arguments. There are two major historical movements in the early modern period of philosophy that had a significant impact on Kant: Empiricism and Rationalism. Kant argues that both the method and the content of these philosophers' arguments contain serious flaws. A central epistemological problem for philosophers in both movements was determining how we can escape from within the confines of the human mind and the immediately knowable content of our own thoughts to acquire knowledge of the world outside of us. The Empiricists sought to accomplish this through the senses and

19. Björn's Guide To Philosophy - Kant
Offers a brief biography of the philosopher, a list of his writings with links to their texts, and an essay about his work. immanuel kant. 17241804
Immanuel Kant
    German philosopher and founder of critical philosophy. The son of a saddler, Kant was born and educated in Kšnigsberg (Kaliningrad) in East Prussia. After leaving the university he spent a number of years in private tutoring, but taking his master's degree in 1755, he settled to teach a variety of subjects as Privatdozent . In 1770 he was appointed to the chair of logic and metaphysics at Kšningsberg. It was after this that he entered on his greatest, "critical" period. His life was orderly to the point of caricature: he never left Kšningsberg, and never married. In spite of notorious difficulty of reading Kant, made worse by his penchant for scholastic systematization and obscure terminology, his place as the greatest philosopher of the latest three hundred years is well assured.

20. Immanuel-Kant-Fibel Von Winfried Krauß
Winfried KrauŸ Biographie und Einf¼hrung in das Werk des Philosophen. Werkeverzeichnis mit ausf¼hrlichen Anmerkungen und Links zu OnlineVersionen. Register und externe Links.
Leben und Werk Immanuel Kants
To English version on this page Weiter zu Systematik Leben Werke WWW-Links Auch wenn ich heute als "Amateur" Kant-Liebhaber bin, glaube ich, daß ich dem Interessierten die eine oder andere Hilfe geben kann. Meine Kant-Seiten werden im Laufe der Zeit so erweitert, wie es meine Zeit erlaubt. Schauen Sie doch einfach mal wieder her. Sie werden dann neue Seiten finden. Und nun viel Freude mit Immanuel Kant!
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Welcome to my Immanuel Kant pages. I am concerned with Kant since a couple of decades. In my student time a began to read Kant. Thanks to Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Kamlah in Erlangen, who gave me some help in my first steps inside critique of pure reason. Since that time I never left Kant. Also after some decades in commercial job and in politics I use some evening a comment rich copy of an old Kant book. In the meantime I read all writings of Kant - some of them many times. Now I am "amateur" in Kant works. I believe that I can give interested people some help. My WWW pages on Kant will grow as much as my time allows. Look to my pages some time later. You´ll find some pages more. Have fun with Immanuel Kant!

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