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         Gramsci Antonio:     more books (100)
  1. Antonio Gramsci : con 18 tavole fuori testo by Salvatore Francesco (1910-) Romano, 1965
  2. An Antonio Gramsci reader, selected writings, 1916-1935. Edited by David Forgacs. by Antonio and David Forgacs Gramsci, 1988
  3. Antonio Gramsci e il "progresso intellettuale di massa" (Prospettive) (Italian Edition)
  4. Intelectuales y pueblo: Un acercamiento a la luz de Antonio Gramsci (Coleccion Analisis) (Spanish Edition) by Jose Francisco Gomez Hinojosa, 1987
  5. Antonio Gramsci: An Introduction to His Thought by Alberto Pozzolini, 1971-03
  6. The Two Revolutions: Gramsci and the Dilemmas of Western Marxism by Carl Boggs, 1999-07-01
  7. Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations (Cambridge Studies in International Relations)
  8. The open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci: Translated and annotated by Carl Marzani by Antonio Gramsci, Carl Marzani, 1957
  9. Gramsci and Global Politics: Hegemony and resistance (Routledge Innovations in Political Theory)
  10. Prison Notebooks, Volume 1 (European Perspectives: A Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism) by Antonio Gramsci, 2010-11-19
  11. Proletarian Order: Antonio Gramsci, Factory Councils and the Origins of Communism in Italy, 1911-21 by Gwyn A. Williams, 1975-06-05
  12. Gramsci, Language, and Translation (Cultural Studies/Pedagogy/Activism)
  13. Selections from the prison notebooks of Antonio Gramsciedited and translated by Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell Smith by Antonio (1891-1937). Hoare, Quintin, ed. Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey, ed. Gramsci, 1971
  14. A Gramsci Reader by Antonio Gramsci, 1988-11

81. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Antonio Gramsci: Fængselsoptegnelser - [Hæfte 25, 19
antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser. Hæfte 25, 1934 I historiens udkanter (deunderordnede samfundsgruppers historie) antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser.

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82. Det Kongelige Bibliotek - Elektroniske Biografier Og Biografisk Materiale - Anto
antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci. antonio gramsci Fængselsoptegnelser. GertSørensen gramsci og den moderne verden . Genvej til Hvad, hvor, hvornår?

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Antonio Gramsci
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Antonio Gramsci
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83. Antonio Gramsci
http// gramsci, antonio Vankilavihkot.Helsinki 1979. gramsci, antonio Vankilavihkot, valikoima 2. Helsinki 1982.
Kotisivu Arkisto Edellinen Antonio Gramsci ja vallan rakenteet Italialainen Antonio Gramsci on modernin marxilaisuuden tunnetuimpia teoreetikkoja. Kiinnostus Gramscin ajatteluun ja teorioihin ei kuitenkaan rajoitu yksinomaan marxilaisiin piireihin. Etenkin Gramscin teoria vallan hegemonisesta luonteesta kiinnostaa nykyään yhtä lailla niin valtiotieteilijöitä kuin ei-marxilaisia poliittisia radikaalejakin. Gramscin hegemonia käsitteen kautta voidaan länsimaisen yhteiskunnan rakennetta ja toimintaa tehdä ymmärrettävämmäksi, ja löytää keinoja sen muuttamiseksi. Antonio Gramsci kuoli keväällä 1937,vain muutamia päiviä sen jälkeen, kun Italian fasistihallitus oli vapauttanut hänet poliittisesta vankeudesta. Hänet oli vangittu marraskuussa 1926 poikkeuslakien nojalla yhdessä muiden Italian kommunistipuolueen johtajien kanssa ja tuomittu kesällä 1928 20 vuoden vankeuteen, mutta heikentyneen terveytensä vuoksi Gramsci oli päätetty vapauttaa ennenaikaisesti. Teoreetikkona ja ajattelijana Gramsci pysyi pitkään tuntemattomana kuolemansakin jälkeen. Hänen vankeusaikanaan kirjoittamansa tekstit näkivät päivänvalon vasta useita vuosia toisen maailmansodan jälkeen, kun Italian kommunistipuolue alkoi julkaista Gramscin kirjallista jäämistöä. Kuitenkin vasta

84. Who Is Antonio Gramsci? You Better Learn!!! [Free Republic]
Who is antonio gramsci? Born at Ales, Italy on January 1891, antonio gramsci was thefourth son of Francesco gramsci, a clerk in the local registrar s office.
FreeRepublic .com "A Conservative News Forum" Last ...

Editorial Editorial

Posted on 12/29/2000 02:01:41 PST by GRAMSCI AND THE U.S. BODY POLITIC
By: Alberto Luzárraga
Why the interest in Gramsci? Certainly, he is not a household name for most people, but nonetheless he is relevant enough to be mentioned the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal. In a recent piece (12/19/00) by George Melloan, the columnist refers to an article published by John Fonte in the Policy Review of the Hudson Institute.
According to the WSJ writer, "[Fonte] defines the ideological split in America as a contest between present-day Tocquevillians and disciples of the 20th-century Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci, who drew on the ideas of Friedrich Hegel and Karl Marx. The Tocquevillians incline toward individualism, religious belief and patriotism. The Gramscians see any society, including America, as an arena where the "marginalized" are necessarily at war with the privileged classes. Good old-fashioned class warfare, in other words."
As we know, political events do not happen in a vacuum. There are always causes. Ideas that were deemed a failure decades ago can be successfully implemented today. In the world of ideas, decades are often only an incubation period and today Gramsci s ideas are very much alive in the political arena.

85. Antonio Gramsci
Translate this page antonio gramsci. José María Laso Prieto. Universidad de Oviedo (España). http//, antonio (1891-1937).
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    En otro plano, Gramsci estudió filología y lingüística en la Universidad de Turín. Después de una precoz colaboración en la prensa socialista, fundó la revista "L' Ordine Nuovo "que llega a constituir un hito en el nivel teórico del marxismo italiano. Con gran entusiasmo, y no menor rigor, Gramsci se esforzó porque "L 'Ordine Nuovo" aportase al pensamiento y a la "praxis" marxista la altura necesaria para que pudiesen alcanzar su plena efectividad revolucionaria. De hecho, su labor periodística constituyó un serio intento de reforma intelectual y moral, inspirado en el precedente idealista de Benedetto Croce, para fundamentar en el marxismo una gran labor de esclarecimiento y crítica de los basamentos sociológicos de la cultura nacional italiana.
    No menor importancia revistió su actividad como dirigente político, ya que se convirtió en el teórico y organizador de los Consejos de fábrica que por entonces florecieron en Turín. Posteriormente, tras un periodo de intensa militancia en el movimiento socialista, Gramsci encabezó el núcleo fundacional del Partido Comunista Italiano. Instaurado el régimen fascista, Gramsci fue detenido, no obstante la inmunidad parlamentaria que gozaba como diputado, y condenado a más de veinte años de prisión. En tan difíciles condiciones, redactó sus célebres "Quaderni del Carcere" que le consagraron como una autoridad teórica del movimiento obrero internacional.

86. Antonio Gramsci
Translate this page antonio gramsci (1891-1937). Parmi les théoriciens essentiels de lapensée marxiste, il faut citer gramsci. Pour certains, le moins
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  • Le socialiste Antonio Gramsci Parmi les théoriciens essentiels de la pensée marxiste, il faut citer Gramsci. Pour certains, le moins dogmatique des théoriciens de la révolution. Il ne fut pas pour autant un "millénariste", car pour lui, " ". Le socialiste , il écrit en faveur du " ". Mezzogiorno La Citta futura
  • 87. Baducla Autor: Alejandría BE
    Translate this page Autor gramsci, antonio, (Comienzo). 4, JA76 G73 1977 gramsci, antonio Políticay Sociedad Quaderni del Carcere Ediciones Península, Barcelona, ESPA¥A, 1a., Antonio&Nombrebd=Ba

    88. Gramsci & Syndicalism
    In a polemic against the syndicalists, antonio gramsci argued that the syndicalistswere wrong in maintaining that unions were capable of being organs of
    In a polemic against the syndicalists, Antonio Gramsci argued that the syndicalists were wrong in maintaining that unions were capable of being organs of workers' revolution. He said this confused a marketing organization of labor within capitalism the trade unions with an organization for running production in a socialized economy the workers councils. Because the function of a union is to affect the terms and conditions of the sale of labor to the employers, he argued, it is an organization specific to a capitalist society. However, if we look at the actual functions of the Turin shop councils, as described in the Shop Stewards' Program, we find that much of their actual function is the organization of the struggle with the employers over the "terms and conditions" of labor within capitalism. For example, the shop stewards were called upon to "exercize surveillance" over the enforcement of the existing labor contracts and "resolve disputes that may arise between the workforce and management." In other words, the shop stewards movement was inevitably a shopfloor unionist force precisely because it expressed the desire of the workforce for a more effective organization in the struggles within the current capitalist system as well as expressing their aspirations for complete control. Since any mass workers movement of this sort arises initially within the capitalist system, this "dual" function seems inevitable. Moreover, Gramsci's real argument against the possibility of "revolutionary unionism" was based on the institutionalized, bureaucratic character of the official CGL trade unions. And, by the same token, his argument for the revolutionary potential of the shop councils, was not their complete non-involvement in present-day unionist struggles, but, rather, their independent, non-hierarchical character.

    89. Texte Zum Klassenkampf/ Antonio Gramsci: Die Partei Des Proletariats
    Translate this page antonio gramsci. gramsci, antonio Zur Politik, Geschichte und Kultur,Leipzig 1980, S. 111 - 112 1. Dieses Wort fehlt im Originaltext.
    Marxistische Bibliothek
    Autoren Verweise Impressum ... Kontakt
    Antonio Gramsci
    Die Partei des Proletariats
    Artikel vom 1. November 1924
    Gramsci, Antonio: Zur Politik, Geschichte und Kultur, Leipzig 1980, S. 111 - 112
    1. Dieses Wort fehlt im Originaltext
    Texte zum Klassenkampf
    Autoren Verweise Impressum ... Kontakt

    90. Fondazione Istituto Gramsci
    gramsci; dal numero di inventario (16972) risulta inserito nel FG in un
    B C D ... F G H I J K ... Z LETTERA - G -
  • Galleani, Luigi
    Faccia a faccia col nemico : cronache giudiziarie dell'anarchismo militante / Mentana. - East Boston : Edizione del Gruppo Autonomo, 1914- . - v. ; 24 cm. Vol. 1. - [1914]. - 504 p. : ill.
    Volume mutilo della copertina; nell'occhiello a matita: Carlo.
    Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand
    Autobiografia / Mahatma Gandhi ; a cura di C. F. Andrews ; con prefazione di Giovanni Gentile. - Milano : Fratelli Treves, stampa 1931. - 393 p., [5] p. di tav. : ill. ; 23 cm. (Collezione "Memorie e documenti".)
    Timbro del carcere, Numero di matricola, Visto del direttore. Qualche sottolineatura a matita nel testo.
    Gangale, Giuseppe
    Rivoluzione protestante / Giuseppe Gangale. - Torino : Piero Gobetti, 1925. - 98 p. ; 21 cm. (Quaderni della Rivoluzione Liberale, 10.)
    Gangale, Giuseppe
    2; (2. u. 3. Heft) ISBN 388619-412-4 Details Band 3; (4. u. 5. Heft) ISBN
    Fondazione Istituto Piemontese Antonio Gramsci

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